So I started a new react-native project and copied the .babelrc file from my previous project. I have installed the necessary plugins but I received an error
The unknown plugin transform-deco
So I started a new react-native project and copied the .babelrc file from my previous project. I have installed the necessary plugins but I received an error
The unknown plugin transform-deco
When using CSS+DIV for layout, the four attribute values of position, relative, absolute, static, and fixed, are not clearly divided, so that there are often very depressing results. I researched
I am currently using the module URI::URL to generate a complete URL from a relative URL; however, it does not run as fast as I hoped. Does anyone know of another approach possible Will be faster?
I cannot load a .Lua file from a relative path.
This works:
function Math( v1, v2 )
return v1 + v2
end 1.lua
This does not work:
package.path = package.path ..’