New skill GET
Use fastcgi_finish_request to improve page response speed
New skill GET
Use fastcgi_finish_request to improve page response speed
My app has been in the AppStore for a few months, and always only works on the iPhone. I recently submitted a rejected update because the app is not available on the iPad The exact reason for rejec
I am developing an application which will request some users’ profile picture URL from Facebook server, but I don’t know how many users I will have (maybe 2 or maybe 20) .Should I use ASIHTTPReques
I hosted a PNG file named icons.png on the Apache server. Basically this file is a combination of other small image elements (CSS Sprite). When the page is first loaded When the file is loaded with
I am trying to route the following request to the appropriate server based on the URL identified in the POST body below. I hope to achieve this goal by using HAProxy’s reverse proxy. p> For exa