I am trying to create a new file, but things don’t seem to work as I expected. Here is what I tried:
p> File.new “out.txt”
File.open “out.txt”
File.new “out.txt”,”w”
File.open “out .txt”,”
I am trying to create a new file, but things don’t seem to work as I expected. Here is what I tried:
p> File.new “out.txt”
File.open “out.txt”
File.new “out.txt”,”w”
File.open “out .txt”,”
When declaring a method, what do the various prefixes of the parameters mean?
sh(*cmd, &block) What does the * before cmd mean?
What & what does it mean before the block
def foo(*
I could not run ./script/console before because my script console file contains #! /usr/bin/env ruby19, so it used to throw an error. After clicking and trying out, I used #! /usr/bin/env rubyR
From a rails best practice point of view, what is the best place to manipulate form data before saving?
For instace, on the contact form, I want to make sure that all data is saved in upperca
I store the time zone in the database I obtained through the FB API. The time zone looks like:
-7 Which field should I use in rails/PostgreSQL to store this value? string?
How to name foreign keys in RoR?
I used the following command to give the foreign key:
rails generate scaffold Table2 id:integer Table1:references this The command adds the foreign key
I created a file in the tmp directory, which contains the following controller code:
def download file_path = “#{RAILS_ROOT}/tmp/downloads/xxx.html”
data = render_to_string( :action => :show
I have two models, events and users share many-to-many associations. Users can be administrators, managers or producers.
Only the producer belonging to an event can read Take the event. I tried to
One. Installation Ruby installation: https://ruby-china.org/wiki/rvm-guide
Note: After installing RVM and Gem< /p> Install rails:
gem install rails -v 5.1.4 # specific version installation
Dear, I have a student model, I have specified some name_scopes in it, such as from_program, from_year, from_school, has_status, from_course, etc…
Anyway, can I dynamically link different n