PS: In a multi-process concurrent environment, although conceptually, there are multiple processes executing at the same time, but under a single CPU, at any time Only one process can be in the exe
Tag: Scheduling
[PAT] [Data Structure] Training
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1 ====== <---moving direction / 3 == === \ 2 ====== -->Movement direct
LVS load balancing scheduling algorithm
LVS Load balancing scheduling algorithm
1. Round Robin (rr )
The scheduler distributes external requests to the real servers of the cluster in turn through the “round-robin” scheduling algorithm. It treats each server equally, regardless of the server The actual number of connections and system load.
PostgreSQL extracts the keys from JSONB, “Unable to call JSONB_Object_Keys on scalar”
I want to use jsonb to solve the problem in Postgres. There are many problems here, what I want to do is:
SELECT table.column->>’key_1′ as a FROM “table” I tried -> there are some combination