Shader architecture of Cocos2dx Shader of Cocos2dx is composed of GLProgram, GLProgramState, GLProgramCache, and GLProgramStateCache.
GLProgram is Cocos2dx’s encapsulation of Program, and general
Tag: shader
UnityShader Basics – Surface Shader
Ox00 Surface Shader Syntax
Three commonly used output data formats:
//Standard output structure of surface shaders is this:
struct SurfaceOutput
fixed3 Normal; // ta
Unity Shaders and Effects Cookbook (7-1) Access vertices in Surface Shader
In OpenGL, the support of vertex shader and fragment shader is needed for correct rendering. In vertex shader, each frame is for each object in the scene All vertices are processed once.
If y
Unity Shaders and Effects Cookbook (7-2) Surface Shader Implemented Porthot Animation
As mentioned in the previous section, in Surface Shader, adding vertex functions, we can get vertex data in the vertex function, such as vertex color, vertex coordinates, etc.
This section le
Unity Shaders and Effects Cookbook (1-1) Basic Surface Shaders (Surface Shader)
1. Create a basic surface shader
Create a folder in Assets and name it Materials. Create a Shader in Materials. Create another Material. Both are named BasicDiffuse.
Open BasicDiffuse.s
Different Diffuse and Decal in Surface Shader with Vertex & Fragment Shader
After experiencing it by myself, I discovered that the surface shader does hide a lot of internal implementations, like multiple light sources that I didn’t consider. Shadows, attenuation and other
surface shader
Shader “Custom/sfceshader” {Properties {_Color (“Color”, Color) = (1,1,1,1) _MainTex (” Albedo (RGB)”, 2D) = “white” {} //Main texture_Glossiness (“Smoothness”, Range(0,1)) = 0.5 //High-gloss glass