I have a path as a string in a shell script, which can be absolute or relative:
/usr/userName/config.cfg< /p> or
I want to extract the file name (the part after the
I have a path as a string in a shell script, which can be absolute or relative:
/usr/userName/config.cfg< /p> or
I want to extract the file name (the part after the
Shell script printing isosceles triangle #!/bin/bash
for ((i=1;i<= 9;i++))
for ((j=9;j>=i;j- -))
echo -n ” ”
for ((j=2;j<= i;j++)) do echo -n "*" done for ((j=1
Interactive input and for statement (8-15)
Interactive input
1, read Usage: The read command can define multiple variable values at the same time, and the input content can be used as
The shell script prints a right-angled triangle #! /bin/ bash
for ((i=1;i<= 9;i++)) do for ((j=1;j<=$i;j++ )) do echo -n "*" done echo done
#! /bin/bash
for ((i=1;i<= 9;i++)) do for ((j=1;j<=$i;j++ )) do echo -n "*" done echo done
Is there a way to use Spotlight to run shell scripts on Mac OS X 10.6? I want to call a shell script directly from Spotlight without opening the terminal. save your shell script with a .command
1,User Group Add user
-u UID
-o -g specify GID or group name
-c comment information
-d home directory
-s shell
-G additional group
-r system user -m home directory, system user
Check the system version rpm -q centos-release
View the kernel
uname -r
View the top 10 processes currently occupying the largest memory
ps aux |sort -nrk 4 |head -n 10
View the top 10 proce
I downloaded spark-2.1.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz from http://spark.apache.org/downloads.html. I have Hadoop HDFS and YARN with $ start-dfs.sh and $start-yarn.sh start. But running $spark-shell –master ya
How to use SSR and offline priority features and merge the two technologies together?
SSR is able to render my javascript template in order to load the application faster and flicker-free, an
Suppose I run an expensive operation foo(), which returns a large list, but I forgot to save the output of foo() in a variable. p> Assuming I run foo() again, I will get a different output.