I have an active site hosted on Ubuntu, using nginx, the site is written in Python (CherryPy is the server, Bottle is the framework).
I have a shell script that copies the python file I uploa
I have an active site hosted on Ubuntu, using nginx, the site is written in Python (CherryPy is the server, Bottle is the framework).
I have a shell script that copies the python file I uploa
Does anyone know how to unit test SiteMapNode? We are building some custom navigation controls that use custom attributes to render an unordered html list from the site map.
I am trying to fo
I’m creating an ASP.NET web application, and I’m currently running it using the IIS Express built into Visual Studio. It usually starts on localhost and runs normally. However, what I’m calling An
The company’s R&D department cannot access the Internet, but the company hopes that its R&D colleagues can Follow the news, understand the hotspots of science and technology, and keep up with the t
There is too much content, just reprint the link!
Thanks to the author for sharing such good information!
This article talks about simultaneously crawling rss news text from multiple sites, and then Design and implementation of importing into discuz forum
Intercepting news text, please see the f
Which websites do you know use Silverlight? This information will help us decide when to adopt the Silverlight platform.
These sites should be open to the public and considered high traffic.