# Custom verification token rules
1. View class from .authentications import JWTAuthentication
class UserDetail1(APIView):
permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated] # Login required
# Custom verification token rules
1. View class from .authentications import JWTAuthentication
class UserDetail1(APIView):
permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated] # Login required
Generic Sort (VB.NET)
Module _4_Generic_Demo
??? Sub Main()
??????? Dim list As New List(Of Person)
??????? list. AddRange(New Person() {New Person(“Ken”, 36), New Person(“A
I have a table that stores file names, for example:
5.jpg< br />4.jpg
2.jpg Now I want to sort it. I used the following code:
table.sort(myTable )
The result is
I use Delphi 2010 and TListView to list names and other data. The first two columns are Last Name&Name
Caption = Last Name
SubItems[0] = First Name
How to sort ListView by these two co
Because the encoding format of the table can be set in the database, there are differences in the sorting of Chinese under different encoding formats. The following are the sorting methods under co
I’m using Emacs Lisp, but the cl package is loaded for some common lisp functions.
I have a system with up to 50K entries Hash table, integer keys are mapped to triples, like this (but in the
The text string sort will be segmented first. You can create the filed field first. And set it as keyword
public void Mapping()
var response = client.Index
Obviously, since version 8.4, PostgreSQL allows each database to use a different locale.
So I went to the document to read about the locale (http://www. postgresql .org/docs/8.4/static/locale.html)
I want to know how to write a postgres subquery so that the following example will output what I need.
id parent_id postdate
1 -1 2015-03-10
2 1 2015-03-11 (child level 1)
3 1 2015
Subject link: http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=2689
——————————— —————————————————-.
Sort it
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)