I have a spark state declared in mxml. I also have a class of string constants. I want my state name to match the string constant. Is it possible to do this directly in mxml and How to do this?
Hadoop – How to Create a Spark DataFrame from Sequencefile
I am using spark 1.5. I want to create a data frame from a file in HDFS. The HDFS file contains json data with a large number of fields in a sequence input file format.
Is there a way to do t
Hadoop – write Spark data frame as inlaid to S3 instead of creating _temporary folder
Using pyspark I am reading a data frame from a parquet file on Amazon S3
dataS3 = sql. read.parquet(“s3a://” + s3_bucket_in) This is no problem. But then I try to write data
Hadoop – Apache Spark runs Spark-shell on Yarn error
I downloaded spark-2.1.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz from http://spark.apache.org/downloads.html. I have Hadoop HDFS and YARN with $ start-dfs.sh and $start-yarn.sh start. But running $spark-shell –master ya
Performance – How to get time costs from HDFS read data from HDFS from spark
Spark’s timeline contains:
>Scheduler delay
>Task deserialization time
>Random play time
>Performer calculation time
>Random play write time
>Result serialization time
>Result time