Because of the first contact with jetty, when deploying the project, follow the online steps to put the war package of the previous project
in the installation directory under webapps.
Because of the first contact with jetty, when deploying the project, follow the online steps to put the war package of the previous project
in the installation directory under webapps.
1. Use jetty to start the mvn project and change to a different port: mvn jetty:run -Djetty.port=8099
2. sqlite export Binary sql file
> sqlite3 ciberdb.sqlite .dump> ciberdb.sql
# nginx -this script starts and stops the nginx daemon
# chkconfig:-85 15
# description: Nginx is an Http(S) server, Http(S) reverse \
proxy and IMAP/POP3 proxy server
# processname: ngi
1. Requirements
1. Certain IP addresses and ports are restricted in the project, and only the content (ip) written in the configuration file can access the project.
2. When running the
jetty start the maven project
clean jetty:run
Debug environment
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp: transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=1066
Start command:
java -jar %JETTY_HOME%/start.jar (in the base directory or home directory Execution)
Description: %JETTY_HOME% is an environment variable, the value is jetty home directo
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We know the influence of SingleTask mode on Activity is as follows:
For example, if we set Activity A to SingleTask mode, and other Acitivity to Standard mode, there are the following effects