I want to use the new CreateML and CreateMLUI Swift framework.
But when I write:
Xcode gave me an error:
No such module’CreateML’
How can I use them in Xcode?
>Go to h
I want to use the new CreateML and CreateMLUI Swift framework.
But when I write:
Xcode gave me an error:
No such module’CreateML’
How can I use them in Xcode?
>Go to h
So I have this UITableView cell with 4 UITextFields, and I want to get their values when the button is clicked.
This code does not retrieve any Value.
@IBAction func printBtnAction(_
Object class Student{
var name: String = “”;
var age: Int = 0;
init(name: String ,age:Int) {
self.name = name
self.age = age
let stu = Student(name: “xiao< span style="colo
When I use custom init to create a subclass of UIImage after upgrading to Swift 4.1, it does not support overriding the extended non-@objc declaration error
class Foo: UIImage {
I am trying to combine a line chart and bar chart in swift (iOS chart). Both the x-axis and y-axis seem to be scaled correctly, but the data is not displayed on the chart. I missed What’s up?
I’m trying to use AVCaptureMovieFileOutput.startRecordingToOutputFileURL to record audio to a file, and the function’s syntax requires the input of a variable of type “AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingD
“Unlike stored instance properties, you must always give stored type properties a default value. This is because the type itself does not have an initializer that can assign a value to a stored typ
I want to use XCGLogger 3.0 to log in an iOS9 application written in Swift 2. In AppDelegate, I define
let log = XCGLogger.defaultInstance() And in the application: didFinishLaunchingWithOpti
How to implement MarqueeLabel in iOS. I found an example in Objective-C, but I use Swift. < /div> Used to create a marquee in the swift Add Below Class in the project
See answer in English> Get associated value from enumeration without switch/case 2
How to write this
switch parameter {
case .CaseA(let valueA):
} As an If condition statement?