I have this atlas:
map $id $backend_host {
default http://primary -host;
1 http://primary-host;
2 http://secondary-host;
} The following locations:
location / {
set $id 1;
I have this atlas:
map $id $backend_host {
default http://primary -host;
1 http://primary-host;
2 http://secondary-host;
} The following locations:
location / {
set $id 1;
I need to know that resources are completely downloaded from the server. My server is configured with NginX web server, and I want to do something if and only if the resources are completely downlo
I’m trying to set up Jetty to serve compressed html content. In web.xml, I set up GzipFilter and map it to /* but it doesn’t seem to work. This is filtering Configuration:
1. php.ini (usr/local/php/etc)
max_execution_time = 300
2. php-fpm.conf (usr/local/php/etc)
request_terminate_timeout = 300
3.nginx.conf (usr/local/nginx/conf)< /strong>
If I read the document correctly, if I have an Order entity that uses version column mapping (added by nhibernate), then changes to the order line should update the aggregate root (order) Version n
1. Cluster time synchronization
Find a machine, as a practical server, all machines will synchronize with the cluster time regularly, for example, synchronize the time every ten minutes.
1.1 Steps
I have a problem updating the collection of components on the entity. It was originally mapped as a package, but this resulted in deleting and reinserting all entries every time. Change it to a gro
The project I’m working on requires the data in our system to be synchronized with the data in another system (the other system is very popular, which is why synchronization is so important). Howev
After many headaches with java.util.Date and Calendar, I solved using joda-time 1.3 in my project, but now I am facing another problem. The project uses Hibernate 3.2.6.ga version. In order to map
Consider the following classes in a Spring Data JPA (Hibernate) application:
@Inheritance (strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
@Table(name = “person”)
public class Person {}