I have an ipad application, and I want to hide and show a list of categories (a bit like a small view in a split view controller), and a main view containing a UiNavigationController stack.
I have an ipad application, and I want to hide and show a list of categories (a bit like a small view in a split view controller), and a main view containing a UiNavigationController stack.
1 /**
2 * THis_is_a_cat
3 * This Is A Cat
4 *
5 * Cat A Is This
6 * @author Administrator
7 *
8 */
9 public class Test07Str {
10 public static void main(String[] args) {
C:\360Downloads\axis2-1.6.1-bin\axis2-1.6.1\bin>wsdl2java -uri http:/ /www.****.net/webservice/smsservice.asmx?wsdl -p com.club.webservice.sms -s -o stub Generate a SMSServiceStub.java file, and t