Introduction to the action system The action system provided by Cocos Creator is derived from Cocos2d-x, API and usage Uniformly inherited. The action system can complete various actions such as di
Tag: Used
H5-rounded use – case Android robot
1. Use of rounded corners
2 < html lang="en">
3 < head>
4 < meta charset="UTF-8">
5 < title>Title
6 < style>
7 div{
8 width: 200px;
9 height: 100p
Ruby generates a two-dimensional code using RQRCODE
1. gem’rqrcode’
2. In the helper:
3, views page 3. p> <%= image_tag generate_qr_code('')%>
Ruby-on-rails – Update the coordinates of the modified model address using Google-Maps-for-Rails
I have noticed the Google Maps For Rails gem, otherwise it can work perfectly, when I change the address in the model field, the coordinates will not be updated automatically, even if the address f
Ruby – Using `Require`
I am editing a gem, which has the usual require command, pointing to the loaded gem (the gem I am talking about is called nirvana, and the file contains require’navana’, require’ navana/shell’ and
Ruby-on-rails – Use the Rails Society Time Zone in PostgreSQL – the field type to use
I store the time zone in the database I obtained through the FB API. The time zone looks like:
-7 Which field should I use in rails/PostgreSQL to store this value? string?
Ruby-on-rails – Start the Rails server with absolute path
I am trying to make a script to run my Rails development server, but the absolute path does not want to work.
This is what I have;
/home/me/dev/app/script/rails server>> /var/log/rails.
VB.NET – Use a shared sub-event?
I have a method that should be implemented as Shared because it has no internal state:
Friend Class MMDates Friend Shared Sub Calculate(ByRef CP As DataPlug)
MsgBox(“dates was called with “&
[C # .NET] [SpecFlow] Execute multiple validations using SCENARIO OUTLINE
[C#.NET][SpecFlow] Use Scenario Outline to perform multiple verifications
Continued from the previous article, /2014/12/25/147796.aspx
How to use more complex type inheritance in Julia
I am trying to use the regular type Any in the following functions:
function f(arr::Array{Tuple{ASCIIString , Any},1})
end It applies to
f([(“a “,1), (“b”,”x”)]) But in