I have a question about an InfoPath 2010 form with some code behind it. The purpose of my form is to collect data from users and use the answers provided to automatically fill in many required task
Tag: Writing
[Windows Phone] Newsletter Function Writing Method
Do you want to have various functions in the APP you developed? In this article, I will briefly explain to you how to write a newsletter function.
Do you want to have various functions in the
Shell write progress bar
label=(“|” “/” “-” “\\< span style="color: #800000;">“)
while [$i -le 100]
printf “[\e[43;46;lm%-100s \e[0m][%d%%][%c]\r” “$bar” “$i” “${label[i%4]}”
Package – BREW error: Unable to sign, path is not writable
When I try to install the library using homebrew (brew install aLibrary), I get the following error:
Could not symlink lib/pkgconfig/aFile
/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig is not writable. What shoul
VB.NET Excel Addin, how do you write data to a specific worksheet by name?
So this is the problem I encountered. I am converting an old Excel macro to excel add in so that I can share it with my colleagues more easily. I am VB Newbie to .net, but I’m doing what I can, so
My CGI script cannot be written to the cgi-bin folder of Apache
I am developing a python version of the cgi script, it needs to create an img file in the cgi-bin folder (will be displayed on the web page).
But it failed:
[Wed Oct 28 16:13:51 2009] [Error]
CGI reads the local file must set the file attribute to 666
Question: I wrote a cgi script in C language to read the string entered from the web page and append the string to a local text file data. txt;
The cgi script is as follows, the source file o
AOP Alliance Notification Type and Spring Writing Agent Semi-Automatic
First, cglib is more powerful
2. Spring core jar package
3. AOP Alliance Notice
Third, the code implements Spring semi-automatic proxy
1. Aspects surrounding notifications