kafka依赖java环境,需要先安装jdk并在cmd中运行java -version 能够正常显示java版本号
1.下载kafka (版本:kafka_2.12-2.3.0):
2.解压后修改zookeeper配置文件: kafka_2.12-2.3.0\config\zookeeper.
kafka依赖java环境,需要先安装jdk并在cmd中运行java -version 能够正常显示java版本号
1.下载kafka (版本:kafka_2.12-2.3.0):
2.解压后修改zookeeper配置文件: kafka_2.12-2.3.0\config\zookeeper.
ZooKeeper is a distributed, open source distributed application coordination service, an open source implementation of Google’s Chubby, and an important component of Hadoop and Hbase. It is a softw
This article introduces the use of ELK (elasticsearch, logstash, kibana) + kafka to build a logging system. The main demonstration is to use spring aop to collect logs, and
First of all, this blog doesn’t have any theoretical stuff, it just explains in detail the process of setting up a cluster of kafka and zookeeper, which requires three linux servers.
Java env
1. wget https://mirrors.cnnic.cn/apache/zookeeper/stable/zookeeper-3.4.12.tar.gz
tar -zxvf zookeeper-3.4.12. tar.gz Unzip
2. cd zookeeper-3.4.12
cp -rf conf/zoo_sample.cfg conf /z
Preparation work Upload zookeeper-3.4.6.tar.gz, scala-2.11.4.tgz, kafka_2.9.2-, slf4j-1.7.6.zip to the /usr/local directory
Unzip the zookeeper installation package
# tar -zx