Dojo method Overload: custom DESCRIPTION as an enhancedGrid

The following are the chat records of a certain group on a certain year, a certain day, and a certain day:

< td id="tn" style="font-size:9pt; border:1px solid transparent">

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:30:45

< tr id="itemId_46">

The paging of the grid, or a separate paging

【Legend 】JOY PB(529058939) 18:24:29

enhancedGrid paging

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:25:11

The description information in the lower left corner, which is the information on the first few pages, how to modify it?

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:26:29

show css or what

[Legend] JOY PB(529058939) 18:26:50

wait, let me take a screenshot

【话唠】RIAStudio(228 456440) 18:26:52

css, directly load a own css file

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18: 27:11

not css, but the template content inside

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:28:02

[Legend] JOY PB(529058939) 18:28:02 /div>

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:28:17
never used

[Legend] JOY PB(529058939) 18:28:24

dojox\grid\enhanced\nls\zh\Pagination.js under this file

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:28:44

< div class="msgContentDiv" style="margin-top:5px; padding-left:20px; width:300px; overflow-x:hidden"> This is a string template

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:28:48

You have to tell me, have you never used dijit? . .

【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:28:53

There are 4 parameters

[Legend] JOY PB(529058939) 18:28: 59

You write it all by yourself. . .

【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:29:05

This is its own, not universal < /div>

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939 ) 18:29:32

< span style="color:000000; font-size:10pt; font-family:Microsoft Yahei,'MS Sans Serif',sans-serif">Can it be modified

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:29:52
What do these 4 parameter subtables represent? You can search descTemplate to find out where it matches

【話唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18: 30:00

can definitely be changed

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:30:22

but it needs to be modified by overloading, it is best not to directly modify the original control
< div style="float:left; margin-right:3px"> 【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:31:07

enhancedGrid’s pagination plugin has nls

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:31:23

nls is multi-language, it doesn’t matter to this

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:31:31

Yes, I don’t want to modify his source file.

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:32:03

Wait, help you find it< /span>

[Legend] JOY PB(529058939) 18:32:07

【 Legend] JOY PB(529058939) 18:32:24

This is the call in it

【話唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18 :36:38

dojox\grid\enhanced\nls\zh\Pagination.js This file is 399 lines

_updateDescription: function(){
// summary:
// Update size information.
vars = this.plugin.forcePageStoreLayer,
maxSize = this.plugin._maxSize,
nls = this.plugin._nls,
getItemTitle = function(){
return maxSize<= 0||maxSize== 1? nls[5]: nls[4];
if(this.description&& this.descriptionDiv){
this.descriptionDiv.innerHTML= maxSize> 0? string.substitute(nls[0],[getItemTitle(), maxSize, s.startIdx + 1,s.endIdx + 1]): “0” + getItemTitle();
Overload this method

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:36:53

his.descriptionDiv.innerHTML=maxSize>0?string.substitute(nls[0],[getItemTitle(),maxSize , S.startIdx + 1, s.endIdx + 1]): “0” + getItemTitle();

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:37:04

this.descriptionDiv.innerHTML = maxSize> 0? string.substitute(nls[0], [getItemTitle(), maxSize, s.startIdx + 1, s.endIdx + 1]):” 0″+getItemTitle();

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:37:08

mainly this< /span>

【話唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:37:17

string.subst itute(nls[0],

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:37:37

[getItemTitle(),maxSize, s.startIdx + 1, s.endIdx + 1]
These are the 4 parameters
< /span>

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:39:53

_updateDescription seems to be missing in the document

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:40:07

this Is a private method

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:40:15

By the way, don’t look at the document, just look at it Code

【 Legend] JOY PB(529058939) 18:40:38

Well, look at the code later

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:40:39 div>
Reload it with extend

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:41:42

will not extend

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:41:57

I just learned to create class

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:42:00

< /div>

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939 ) 18:42:06

< span style="font-family:Tahoma">

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:42:30

When you learn it, you can realize that dojo is really the best js framework

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:43:28
Teach some more, how to extend

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:44:54 div>
require([“dojox\grid\enhanced\nls\zh\Pagination”], function(Pagination){ Pagination.extend( {_updateDescription: function(){ // summary: // Update size information. var s = this.plugin.forcePageStoreLayer, maxSize = this.plugin._maxSize, nls = this.plugin._nls, getItemTitle = function(){ return maxSize <= 0|| maxSize== 1? nls[5]: nls[4]; }; if(this.description&& this.descriptionDiv){ this.descriptionDiv.innerHTML=maxSize> 0? string.substitute(nls[0 ], [getItemTitle(), maxSize, s.startIdx + 1, s.endIdx + 1]): “0” + getItemTitle();} }, }); });

The paging of the grid, or a separate paging

< span style="font-family:Tahoma">

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:24:29


[Legend] JOY PB(529058939) 18:24:29

enhancedGrid paging

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:25:11

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:25:11

< span style="color:000000; font-size:10pt; font-family:Microsoft Yahei,'MS Sans Serif',sans-serif">The description information in the lower left corner, which is the information on the first few pages, How to modify it?

【话Chat】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:26:29

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:26:29

display css or what

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:26:50

【Legend 】JOY PB(529058939) 18:26:50

Wait, let me take a screenshot

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:26:52

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:26:52

css, directly load a own css file

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:27:11

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:27:11

not css, but the template content inside

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:28:02

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:28:02< /p >

【話唠】RIAStudio(228456440 ) 18:28:17

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:28:17

never used

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18:28:24

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 18 :28:24

dojox\grid\enhanced \nls\zh\Pagination.js under this file

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:28:44

【Talk】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:28:44

< span style="color:000000; font-size:10pt; font-family: Microsoft Yahei,'MS Sans Serif', sans-serif">This is a string template

【Legend】JOY PB(529058939) 1 8:28:48


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:28:48

你要告诉我,你没用过dijit么。 . .

【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:28:53


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:28:53


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:28:59


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:28:59

你全是自己写的。 . .

【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:29:05


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:29:05


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:29:32


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:29:32


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:29:52


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:29:52

这4个参数分表代表的是什么,可以搜索 descTemplate 找一下在哪里匹配的

【话唠】RIAStudio(22845644 0) 18:30:00


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:30:00


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:30:22


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:30:22


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:30:45


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:30:45

【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:31:07


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:31:07


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:31:23


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:31:23

nls 是多国语言,跟这个没关系

【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:31:31


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:31:31


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:32:03


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:32:03


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:32:07


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:32:07

【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:32:24


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:32:24


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:36:38


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:36:38


_updateDescription: function(){
// summary:
// Update size information.
var s = this.plugin.forcePageStoreLayer,
maxSize = this.plugin._maxSize,
nls = this.plugin._nls,
getItemTitle = function(){
return maxSize <= 0 || maxSize == 1 ? nls[5] : nls[4];
if(this.description && this.descriptionDiv){
this.descriptionDiv.innerHTML = maxSize > 0 ? string.substitute(nls[0], [getItem Title(), maxSize, s.startIdx + 1, s.endIdx + 1]) : “0 ” + getItemTitle();

【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:36:53


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:36:53

his.descriptionDiv.innerHTML = maxSize > 0 ? string.substitute(nls[0], [getItemTitle(), maxSize, s.startIdx + 1, s.endIdx + 1]) : “0 ” + getItemTitle();

【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:37:04


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:37:04

this.descriptionDiv.innerHTML = maxSize > 0 ? string.substitute(nls[0], [getItemTitle(), maxSize, s.startIdx + 1, s.endIdx + 1]) : “0 ” + getItemTitle();

【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:37:08


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:37:08


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:37:17


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:37:17


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:37:37


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:37:37

[getItemTitle(), maxSize, s.startIdx + 1, s.endIdx + 1]

【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:39:53


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:39:53


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:40:07


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:40:07


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:40:15


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:40:15


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:40:38


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:40:38


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:40:39


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:40:39

用 extend 重载一下就可以了

【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:41:42


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:41:42


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:41:57


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:41:57

我刚学会create class

【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:42:00


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:42:00

【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:42:06


【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:42:06

【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:42:30


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:42:30

等你学会了,就能体会到 dojo 真的是最好的 js 框架

【传说】JOY PB(529058939) 18:43:28


【传说】JOY PB(5290 58939) 18:43:28


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:44:54


【话唠】RIAStudio(228456440) 18:44:54

require([“dojox\grid\enhanced\nls\zh\Pagination”], function(Pagination){   Pagination.extend({ _updateDescription: function(){ // summary: // Update size information. var s = this.plugin.forcePageStoreLayer, maxSize = this.plugin._maxSize, nls = this.plugin._nls, getItemTitle = function(){ return maxSize <= 0 || maxSize == 1 ? nls[5] : nls[4]; }; if(this.description && this.descriptionDiv){ this.descriptionDiv.innerHTML = maxSize > 0 ? string.substitute(nls[0], [getItemTitle(), maxSize, s.startIdx + 1, s.endIdx + 1]) : “0 ” + getItemTitle(); } },   }); });

WordPress database error: [Table 'yf99682.wp_s6mz6tyggq_comments' doesn't exist]
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_s6mz6tyggq_comments.comment_ID FROM wp_s6mz6tyggq_comments WHERE ( comment_approved = '1' ) AND comment_post_ID = 5755 ORDER BY wp_s6mz6tyggq_comments.comment_date_gmt ASC, wp_s6mz6tyggq_comments.comment_ID ASC

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