React-Native-Unreadable Take the undefined attribute’logInWithReadPermissions’
Click the button.
I have followed these instructions:
1. npm install rnpm -g
2. rnpm link react-native-fbsdk
3. remove the following lines from subspecs in ios/PodFile
'Login',< br />'Share',
4. pod install
5. go to, download FB ios SDK, and unzip to ~ /Documents/FacebookSDK
6. open F8v2.xcworkspac with xcode, and drag Bolts.framework,FBSDKCoreKit.framework, FBSDKLoginKit.framework, FBSDKShareKit.framework in ~/Documents/FacebookSDK to Frameworks under F8V2 project.
7. run react-native run-ios .It should work now. If have build issue, drag the three FB...Kit.framework to RCTFBSDK.xcodeproj too.
No luck.
The component flow is as follows:
'use stri ct';
const React = require('react');
const {StyleSheet} = require('react-native');
const F8Button = require('F8Button ');
const {logInWithFacebook} = require('../actions');
const {connect} = require('react-redux');
class LoginButton extends React.Component {
props: {
style: any;
source?: string; // For Analytics
dispatch: (action: any) => Promise;
onLoggedIn: ?() => void;
state: {
isLoading: boolean;
_isMounted: boolean;
constructor() {
this.state = {isLoading: false };
componentDidMount() {
this._isMounted = true;
componentWillUnmount() {
this._isMounted = false;
render() {
if (this.state.isLoading) {
return (
style={[styles.button,]}< br /> captio n="Please wait..."
onPress={() => {}}
return (
caption="Log in with Facebook"
onPress={() => this.logIn()}
async logIn() {
const {dispatch, onLoggedIn} = this.props;
this.setState({isLoading: true});
try {< br /> await Promise.race([
} catch (e) {
const message = e.message || e;
if (message !=='Timed out' && message !=='Canceled by user') {
} finally {
this._isMounted && this.setState({isLoading: false});
onL oggedIn && onLoggedIn();
async function timeout(ms: number): Promise {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('Timed out')), ms);
var styles = StyleSheet .create({
button: {
width: 270,
module.exports = connect()(LoginButton);
'use strict';
var {
} = require('react-native-fbsdk');
const emptyFunction = () => {};
const mapObject = require('fbjs/lib/mapObject');
type AuthResponse = {
userID: string;
accessToken: string;
expiresIn: number;
type LoginOptions = {scope: string };
type LoginCallback = (result: {authResponse?: AuthResponse, error ?: Error}) => void;
let _authResponse: ?Aut hResponse = null;
async function loginWithFacebookSDK(options: LoginOptions): Promise{
const scope = options.scope ||'public_profile';
const permissions = scope .split(',');
const loginResult = await LoginManager.logInWithReadPermissions(permissions);
if (loginResult.isCancelled) {
throw new Error('Canceled by user ');
const accessToken = await AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken();
if (!accessToken) {
throw new Error('No access token') ;
_authResponse = {
userID: accessToken.userID, // FIXME: RNFBSDK bug: userId -> userID
accessToken: accessToken.accessToken,
expiresIn: Math.round(( / 1000),
return _authResponse;
var FacebookSDK = {
init() {
// This is needed by Parse
window.FB = FacebookSDK;
login(callback: LoginC allback, options: LoginOptions) {
(authResponse) => callback((authResponse)),
(error) => callback({error})< br /> );
getAuthResponse(): ?AuthResponse {
return _authResponse;
logout() {
* Make a API call to Graph server. This is the **real** RESTful API.
* Except the path, all arguments to this function are optional. So any of
* these are valid:
* FB.api( '/me') // throw away the response
* FB.api('/me', function(r) {console.log(r) })
* FB.api('/me ', {fields:'email' }); // throw away response
* FB.api('/me', {fields:'email' }, function(r) {console.log(r)} );
* FB.api('/12345678','delete', function(r) {console.log(r) });
* FB.api(
*'/ me/feed',
* {body: 'hi there' },
* function(r) {console.log(r) }
* );
* param path {String} the url path
* param method {String} the http method
* param params {Object} the parameters for the query
* param cb {Function} the callback function to handle the response
*/< br /> api: function(path: string, ...args: Array) {
const argByType = {};
args.forEach((arg) => {argByType[typeof arg ] = arg; });
const httpMethod = (argByType['string'] ||'get').toUpperCase();
const params = argByType['object'] | | {};
const callback = argByType['function'] || emptyFunction;
// FIXME: Move this into RNFBSDK
// GraphRequest requires all parameters to be in {string:'abc'}
// or {uri:'xyz'} format
const parameters = mapObject(params, (value) => ({string: value}));
function processResponse(error, result) {
// FIXME: RNFBSDK bug: result is Object on iOS and string on Android
if (!error && typeof result ==='string') {
try {
result = JSON.parse(result);
} catch (e) {
error = e;
const data = error? {error}: result;
const request = new GraphRequest(path, {parameters, httpMethod}, processResponse);
new GraphRequestManager().addRequest(request). start();
module.exports = FacebookSDK;
readPermissions = {["email", "user_birthday"]}
You may need to view the read permission of the component.
I tried to make the FB SDK and the React-Native application on iOS The programs are used together, but I encountered an error:
React-Native-Unable to read the undefined property’logInWithReadPermissions’
Click the button.
I have followed these instructions:
1. npm install rnpm -g
2. rnpm link react- native-fbsdk
3. remove the following lines from subspecs in ios/PodFile
4. pod install
5. go to, download FB ios SDK, and unzip to ~/Documents/FacebookSDK
6. open F8v2.xcworkspac with xcode, and drag Bolts.framework,FBSDKCoreKit.framework, FBSDKLoginKit.framework, FBSDKShareKit.framework in ~/Documents/FacebookSDK to Frameworks under F8V2 project.
7. run react-native run-ios .It should work now . If have build issue, drag the three FB...Kit.framework to RCTFBSDK.xcodeproj too.
No luck.
The component flow is as follows:
< p>(Button)
< pre>‘use strict’;
const React = require(‘react’);
const {StyleSheet} = require(‘react-native’);
const F8Button = require(‘F8Button’);
const {logInWithFacebook} = require(‘../actions’);
const {connect} = require(‘react-redux ‘);
class LoginButton extends React.Component {
props: {
style: any;
source?: string; // For Analytics
dispatch: (action: any) => Promise;
onLoggedIn: ?() => void;
state: {
isLoading: boolean;
} ;
_isMounted: boolean;
constructor() {
this.state = {isLoading: false };
componentDidMount() {
this._isMounted = true;
componentWillUnmount() {
this._isMounted = false;
render() {
if (this.state.isLoading) {
return (
caption=”Please wait…”
onPress={() => {}}
return (
icon={require(‘../ login/img/f-logo.png’)}< br /> caption=”Log in with Facebook”
onPress={() => this.logIn()}
< br /> async logIn() {
const {dispatch, onLoggedIn} = this.props;
this.setState({isLoading: true});
try {
await Promise.race([
} catch (e) {
const message = e.message || e;
if (message !==’Timed out’ && message !==’Canceled by user’) {
alert(message);< br /> console.warn(e);
} finally {
this._isMounted && this.setState({isLoading: false});
onLoggedIn && onLoggedIn();
async function timeout(ms: number): Promise {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => reject(new Error(‘Timed out’)), ms);
var styles = StyleSheet.create({
button: {
width: 270,
module.exports = connect()(LoginButton);
'use strict';
var {
} = require('react-native-fbsdk');
const emptyFunction = () => {};
const mapObject = require('fbjs/lib/mapObject');
type AuthResponse = {
userID: string;
accessToken: string;
expiresIn: number;
type LoginOptions = {scope: string };
type LoginCallback = (result: {authResponse?: AuthResponse , error?: Error)) => void;
let _authResponse: ?AuthResponse = null;
async function loginWithFacebookSDK(options: LoginOptions): Promise{< br /> const scope = options.scope ||'public_profile';
const permissions = scope.split(',');
const loginResult = await LoginManager.logInWithReadPermissions(permissions);
if (loginResult.isCancelled) {
throw new Error('Canceled by user');
const accessToken = await AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken();
if (!accessToken) {
throw new Error('No access token');
_authResponse = {
userID: accessToken.userID, // FIXME: RNFBSDK bug: userId -> userID
accessToken: accessToken.accessToken,
expiresIn: Math.round(( / 1000),
return _authResponse;
var FacebookSDK = {
init() {
// This is needed by Parse
window.FB = FacebookSDK;
login(callback: LoginCallback, options: LoginOptions) {
(authResponse) => callback({authResponse}),
(error) => callback({error})
getAuthResponse (): ?AuthResponse {
return _authResponse;
logout() {
* Make a API call to Graph server. This is the **real** RESTful API.
* Except the path, all arguments to this function are optional. So any of
* these are valid:
* FB.api('/me') // throw away the response
* FB.api('/me', function(r) { console.log(r) })
* FB.api('/me', {fields:'email' }); // throw away response
* FB.api('/me', {fields:'email' }, function(r) {console.log(r) });
* FB.api('/12345678','delete', function(r) {console.log(r ) });
* FB.api(
* {body:'hi there' },
* function(r) {console.log(r) }
* );
* param path {String} the url path
* param method {String} the http method
* param params {Object} the parameters for the query
* param cb {Function} the callback function to handle the response
api: function(path: string, ...args: Array) {
const argByType = { };
args.forEach((arg) => {argByType[typeof arg] = arg; });
const httpMethod = (argByType['string'] ||'get' ).toUpperCase();
const params = argByType['object'] || {};
const callback = argByType['function'] || emptyFunction;
/ / FIXME: Move this into RNFBSDK
// GraphRequest requires all parameters to be in {string:'abc'}
// or {uri:'xyz'} format
const parameters = mapObject (params, (value) => ((string: value)));
function processResponse(error, result) {
// FIXME: RNFBSDK bug: result is Object on iOS and string on Android
if (!error && typeof result ==='string') {
try {
result = JSON.parse(result);
} catch (e) {
error = e;
const data = error? {error}: result;
const request = new GraphRequest(path, {parameters, httpMethod}, processResponse);
new GraphRequestManager().addRequest(request).start();
module.exports = FacebookSDK;
I have used react-native-fbsdk and it works. This module has;
readPermissions = {["email","user_birthday"]}
You may need to view the read permissions of the component.