But what if I want to get route parameters deeper in the component tree in a clean way?
What I am thinking is to create a container component that retrieves the router from the context and subscribes to location changes. However, for the current version 4.0.0-alpha.6, even if the router object is already in the context, it does Only the following methods are included:
> blockTransitions
> createHref
> replaceWith
> transitionTo
This is not very promising because it seems that the router does not expose history at all Objects. Maybe there are some other objects being added to the context that might help?
The onUpdate
function is passed as a prop to the Router component to monitor changes in the router status.
Other options are to import browserHistory, which is implemented with history
(again v3 knowledge is v4 document has been closed) and use listen to subscribe to history changes, as shown below
import {browserHistory} from'react-router'
browserHistory.listen((location, action) => {
// do whatever you need here
I want to know how to use the latest What is the best mode for the version of react-router to subscribe to browser history changes. I am reading the current documentation, but it seems to be the only option, by explicitly retrieving the props passed by
But if I want to do it in a clean way How about getting routing parameters deeper in the component tree?
What I am thinking is to create a container component that retrieves the router from the context and subscribes to location changes. However, for the current version 4.0.0-alpha.6, even if the router object is already in the context, it does Only the following methods are included:
> blockTransitions
> createHref
> replaceWith
> transitionTo
This is not very promising because it seems that the router does not expose history at all Objects. Maybe there are some other objects being added to the context that might help?
The react-router docs close the ATM, but in v3 you can pass an onUpdate
function as a prop to the Router component To monitor the status of the router.
The other option is to import browserHistory, which is implemented with history
(again, v3 knowledge is that the v4 document is closed) and use listen to subscribe History changes, as shown below
import {browserHistory} from'react-router'
browserHistory.listen((location, action) => {
// do whatever you need here