XML – XSD to XForms and XForms to XSD Conversion

Currently I am trying to solve two problems:

>I received an XSD file from an external server. Based on this file, I must generate an XForm. Usually the XSD file is importing many other XSD files and so on.
>I am using the XForm builder to write the GUI. When the user builds his custom XForm, I need to generate an XSD file from it and send it back to the outside Server.

The main question is: Is it possible to write two converters that generate files and conform to standards (XML Schema and XForms)?
Do you know of any existing libraries that provide conversion between these two formats: XSD and XHTML?

It is worth mentioning that all constraints (non-empty, numeric values, etc.) also need to be converted.

I only have basic knowledge of XML technology (XLS, XPath, XQuery…) , So any suggestions will be helpful.

Many people (including me) want to convert the XML Schema It is an XForms generator, but due to the complexity of XML Schema, it has been difficult to implement.

Look at these three projects:

https://code.google. com/p/xrx/ Dan McCreary created XRX, an architecture that uses examples to build XML-based applications. One of the examples uses XQuery to generate XForms from XSD Schema.

https://github .com/lcahlander Loren Cahlander has an interesting project called govworks, including generating XForms from XSD Schemas and also using XQuery, such as XRX

http://sourceforge.net/projects/schema2xforms/ Steve Cameron is Schemas has created a visual designer that uses XSLT to generate XForms

All these people are very kind and they will help you.

The bad news is that all three projects are currently Importing external schemas is not supported. This is the most complex feature of XML Schema.

IBM built an XForms generator from Schemas as a plug-in for eclipse, but it has been abandoned and is no longer available for download:-(

Currently I am trying to solve two problems:

>I received an XSD file from an external server. Based on this file, I XForm must be generated. Usually the XSD file is importing many other XSD files, and so on.
>I am using the XForm builder to write the GUI. When the user builds his custom XForm, I need to generate an XSD file from it and put It is sent back to the external server.

The main question is: Is it possible to write two converters that generate files and comply with standards (XML Schema and XForms)?
Do you know any existing libraries that provide this? Conversion between the two formats: XSD and XHTML?

It is worth mentioning that the Constraints (non-empty, numeric values, etc.) also need to be converted.

I only have basic knowledge of XML technology (XLS, XPath, XQuery…), so any suggestions will be helpful.

Many people (including me) want to convert XML Schema to XForms generator, but due to the complexity of XML Schema, it has been difficult to achieve.

Look at these three projects:

https://code.google.com/p/xrx/ Dan McCreary created XRX, which is a system for building XML-based applications using examples Structure, one of the examples uses XQuery to generate XForms from XSD Schema.

https://github.com/lcahlander Loren Cahlander has an interesting project called govworks, including generating XForms from XSD Schemas, and also using XQuery , Such as XRX

http://sourceforge.net/projects/schema2xforms/ Steve Cameron created a visual designer for Schemas, using XSLT to generate XForms

All these people are very kind , They will help you.

The bad news is that these three projects currently do not support importing external schemas. This is the most complex feature of XML Schema.

IBM’s Schemas Built an XForms generator as a plug-in for eclipse, but it has been abandoned and is no longer available for download:-(

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