Then Gradle builds It takes a long time to refresh, even though I have set the offline mode to “on”. If I sync the project, it will take too long again
I have an i5 processor running Windows 10 with 6gb RAM , I use Genymotion as an online device to debug and run my application.
Please help, it takes too long and wastes a lot of time
< p>
Settings/Preferences(Mac) → Build, Execution, Deployment → Instant Run and uncheck Instant Run
Can help you.
When I click on the android studio icon on the desktop, it takes 5-10 minutes or more to open the android studio window.
Then Gradle builds It also takes a long time to refresh, even though I have set the offline mode to “on”. If I sync the project, it will take too long again
I have i5 processing with 6gb RAM running Windows 10 I use Genymotion as an online device to debug and run my application.
Please help, it takes too long and wastes a lot of time
This happens in Android Studio 2.0 or >. 2.1. As mentioned in this answer, you need to uncheck Instant Run.
Settings/Preferences(Mac) → Build, Execution, Deployment → Instant Run and uncheck Instant Run
I can help you.