I thought I could use Char.IsLetterOrDigit(“Š”) to identify the corrupted data from “I_999Š”, but it returned unexpectedly true. I need to get stuck in this, any ideas?
How to determine whether the letter is in AZ or the number 0 -9? We received some corrupted data “I_999Š=ÄÖÆaðøñòòñ”.
I thought I could use Char.IsLetterOrDigit(“Š”) to identify the corrupted data from “I_999Š”, but it returned unexpectedly true. I need to get stuck in this, any ideas?
Then there are two quick options. The first is to use regular expressions, and the second is to use the Asc() function to determine whether the Ascii value is in these Within the range of allowed characters. I personally use Asc() for this purpose.