What is the program that opens the file and C related procedures independently of the operating system?

What is the operating system independent way to open files with related programs from C? Is there a solution in Boost, or something similar?

More specifically, it can cover Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

What I want to do is to open a file ending with a .txt extension, the user It has been set to open it, if you want to open it by clicking it or the command line.

The mechanism needs to be asynchronous.

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QDesktopServices::openUrl from the Qt library provides this function. It is asynchronous (non-blocking).

Opening related programs from C Is the operating system independent way of the file? Is there a solution in Boost, or something similar?

More specifically, it can cover Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

What I want to do is to open a file ending with a .txt extension, the user It has been set to open it, if you want to open it by clicking it or the command line.

The mechanism needs to be asynchronous.

From The QDesktopServices::openUrl of the Qt library provides this function. It is asynchronous (non-blocking).

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