How to match the comparative operator in the regular expression

I am trying to create a regular expression that matches comparisons like this:

= 445
> 5
>= 22
< 3
<= 42
<> 10

I think this will work, but it won’t:


‘>’very important or’<'in' ='Before. These operators are invalid:


I It is being used to create some dynamic sql, so the comparison operator requires valid sql.

Any suggestions?

I will say that the regular expression given by EmFi is good enough. With some modifications, it can take Such an expression


or this



With this modified regular expression


and call it "effective". It may be simple, but at least In my case, it was enough

Edit: The regular expression was modified to make comparison operators (<,>,>=,<=,==) and Boolean operators (&&,|| ) Similar to C language

I am trying to create a regular expression that matches a comparison like this:

= 445
> 5
>= 22
< 3
<= 42
<> 10

I think this will work, But it will not:


'> 'Very important or'<' before'='. These operators are invalid:

= =

I am using it to create some dynamic sql, so the comparison operator requires valid sql.

Any suggestions?

I will say that the regular expression given by EmFi is good enough. With some modifications, it can take such an expression

< p>


Or this


With this modified regular expression

(<[=>]?|= =|>=?|\&\&|\|\|)

and call it "effective". It may be simple, but at least in my case, it is enough

Edit: The regular expression is modified to make the comparison operators (<,>,> =,< =,==) and Boolean operators (&&,||) similar to the C language

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