ReactJS – How to use PeerDependencies when using the WebPack to publish NPM modules (React Components)? And use NPM links?

I want to publish a module that depends on react. I want to use this module in my application project, which also depends on react. I provide the following module configuration for webpack: < p>

module.exports = {
externals: {
'react':'react '
output: {
resolve: {
extensions: ['','.js'],
fallback: [path.join(__dirname,'node_modules')]
resolveLoader: {
fallback : [path.join(__dirname,'node_modules')]

package.json acts as a dependency and peerDependency, and reacts with lib/index.js As the entry point, so I build the library as lib/index.js.

Then I run npm link from the module directory and npm link my-module from the app directory. However, it still loads both Different versions of React cause problems. How can I make my module use the same response as the application?

I read the link about peerDepenencies and npm links:< /p>

But as you can see, I have added the fallback to the configuration (it is not clear which repository, so I added it to both repositories). What am I doing wrong here ?

My mistake was that I forgot to add the “prepublish” script to the module that built the library during installation. < /div>

I want to publish a module that depends on react. I want to use this module in my application project, which also depends on react. I provide the following module configuration for webpack:

module.exports = {
externals: {
output: {
resolve: {
extensions: ['','.js'],
fallback: [path.join(__dirname,'node_modules')]
resolveLoader: {
fallback: [path.join(__dirname,'node_modules')]

package.json as a dependency and peerDependency to react, and lib/index.js as Entry point, so I built the library as lib/index.js.

Then I run npm link from the module directory and npm link my-module from the app directory. However, it still loads two different Version of React, which causes problems. How can I make my module use the same response as the application?

I read the link about peerDepenencies and npm links:< /p>

But as you can see, I have added the fallback to the configuration (it is not clear which repository, so I added it to both repositories). What am I doing wrong here ?

My mistake was that I forgot to add the “prepublish” script to the module that built the library during installation.

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