Call a JavaScript in other aspects using React Native

I want to call a module from one javascript to another module. Currently I downloaded the demo version of GiftedMessanger

I created my own react native (ios) Code, I added all the dependencies of GiftedMessanger in the code, and successfully downloaded all the node modules.
Now included in the GiftedMessanger demo code index.ios.js,


'use strict';

var React = require('react-native');
var {
} = React;< br />

AppRegistry.registerComponent('GiftedMessengerExample', () => require('./Navigation'));

And all the code runs normally.
I do the same thing in my code. I want to use GiftedMessanger as a separate page, click the button and click the code written like this,

var MessageBox = require('./ Navigation');

var MyCode = React.createClass({

return ();

render: function() {

onPress ={this._openGiftedMessanger}>
Open Chat Room


The above is now open Gifted messanger view. And no error is thrown on the console. Where is my error, call the javascript code .

The problem lies in this code:

return ();

To replace the current view with a new view, please use the Navigator or NavigatorIOS component. New The code should look like this:

title:'Gifted messenger',
component: MessageBox

I want to call a module from one javascript to another module. Currently I have downloaded the demo version of GiftedMessanger

I created my own react native (ios) code, I added all the dependencies of GiftedMessanger in the code, and successfully downloaded all the node modules.
Now included in the GiftedMessanger demo code index.ios.js,< /p>

'use strict';

var React = require('react-native');
var {
AppRegistry< br />) = React;

AppRegistry.registerComponent('GiftedMessengerExample', () => require('./Navigation'));

and all The code runs normally.
I do the same thing in my code. I want to use GiftedMessanger as a separate page, click the button and click the code written like this,

 var MessageBox = req uire('./Navigation');

var MyCode = React.createClass({

return ();< br /> },

render: function() {

Open Chat Room


The above now opens the Gifted messanger view. And no error is thrown on the console. Where is my error, call the javascript code.

The problem lies in this code:

return ();

To replace the current view with a new view, please use the Navigator or NavigatorIOS component. The new code should look like this:

this.props. navigator.push({
title:'Gifted messenger',
component: MessageBox

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