VSTS Devops practice automation deployment, package apk and upload to dandelion or FIR

VSTS DevOps practice automated deployment, packaged APK and uploaded to Dandelion or fir, how to achieve it?

First, let’s write the Python script first:

Script source: https://blog.csdn.net/caption_deng/article/details/78681541

import requests
import sys
def< /span> uploadFile():
# Get the parameters passed by the operation
_upload_url = sys.argv[1]
= sys.argv[ 2]
= sys.argv[3]
= sys.argv[4]
# Upload apk
= {'file': open(_apk_path, 'rb')}
= {'_api_key< span style="color: #800000">'
: _api_key, 'updateDescription ':
=requests.post(url= _upload_url,files=file,data=param,verify=False)
print< span style="color: #000000">(req.status_code)
except Exception as e:
print("upload:" + e)
if __name__ == '__main__':

After saving the script, upload it to the source code, and then in VSTS Configure the script.

Before this, python also needs to install the requests library, so before the “upload to dandelion” script, you need to add the “initialize Python” script to install the resquests library.

So you can upload it to Dandelion.

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If you need to upload to fir, you can replace the upload script. The requests library also needs to be installed.

Script source: https://www.jianshu.com/p/0ec4c4e132e7

import  requests
  print("Upload apk")
  apk_path = 'F:/PythonDemo/Demo/app-release.apk'
  file = {'file': open(apk_path, 'rb ')}
  param = {"key": ' 61a53809c7b58d8b68e537c3d4831b01325b1f0b .apk', " token": 'you Own token', "x:name": 'Test', "x:version": '1.0', "x:build": '1', "x:changelog": 'No updates yet'}
  req = requests.post('https://upload.qbox.me', files=file, data=param, verify=False)
  print 'success:' + req.content
except Exception as e:
  print'error:' + e

< /p>

import requests
import sys
def uploadFile():
# Get the parameters passed by the operation
_upload_url = sys.argv[1]
= sys.argv[2]
= sys.argv[3]
= sys.argv[4]< br /> # upload apk
= {'< span style="color: #800000">file': open(_apk_path, ' span>rb')}
param = {'_api_key' span>: _api_key, 'updateDescription'< /span>:
=requests.post(url=_upload_url,files=file,data=param,verify=< span style="color: #000000">False)
print(req. status_code)
except Exception as e:
< span style="color: #0000ff">print
("upload:< span style="color: #800000">" + e)
if< /span> __name__ == '__main__':

import requests
  print("Upload apk")
  apk_path = '< span style="color: #800000">F:/PythonDemo/Demo/app-release.apk'
  file = {'file': open(apk_path , 'rb') }
  param = {"key ": '61a53809c7b58d8b68e537c3d4831b01325b1f0b.apk', "token": 'your own token', "x:name": 'Test', "x:version": '1.0', "x:build": '1', "x:changelog": 'No updates yet'}
  req = requests.post('https://upload.qbox.me', files =file, data=param, verify=False)
  print 'success:' + req.content
except span> Exception as e:
  print'error:' + e

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