RESTful API test using JMeter

Where to set the attributes for optimal script reuse

Since cloud-enabled applications can usually be copied and deployed easily and quickly, they can be tested in a variety of environments. If you need to test and run automated scripts in multiple environments, you can use a separate properties file in JMeter to define data (including login credentials) for connection resources (such as application servers and databases), which is very beneficial.

Define JMeter attributes and variables in three files under the JMETER_HOME/bin directory. When starting JMeter, it loads these files in the following order:

  2. An optional user-defined properties file

When JMeter is running, if you want to add any new properties or change existing properties, you must first shut down JMeter and then restart it for the changes to take effect.

The file stores properties related to the JMeter application itself. Only the attributes specific to the JMeter program or the attributes specific to the framework are retained in this file. Create a separate file (the file name is chosen by you) and use this file to store test environment-specific attributes and variables, which are global attributes and variables for all scripts associated with the application under test—for example, The username/password of the administrator. In the file, uncomment the settings and set the value of to the name of the created file. The example in Listing 1 sets the value to

Listing 1. Specify a user properties file in the file

# Should JMeter automatically load additional JMeter properties?
# File name to look for (comment to disable)

The example user properties file in Listing 2 shows the The format used to define variables in the user properties file. (In this definition, no spaces are allowed anywhere on the left side of the equal sign; when necessary, the attribute value can contain spaces).

Listing 2. Example user properties file

#----------------------- -----------------------------------------
# FVT API Test Environment parameters
#-------------------------------------------- --------------------
# --- Login Credentials
[email protected]
# --- Application Server
# --- Database Server${DB_NAME}

The third property file of JMeter should be retained so that system-wide properties that must be defined for all scripts can use it. For example, if all your scripts use a specific database server, you can specify the relevant properties in the system.propterties file.

JMeter’s User Defined Variables control panel (shown in Figure 1) shows how the JMeter script reads the attributes defined in the user properties file.

Figure 1. How the JMeter script reads the configuration data defined in the user properties file

Screen shot of the JMeter User Defined Variables control panel , Showing how the JMeter script reads the attributes defined in the user properties file

The format of each item in the Value column of the control panel is:


For example, the USER_LOGIN variable from the user properties file is Read as the ${__property(USER_LOGIN, USER_LOGIN)} function in the script. The first USER_LOGIN in the brackets is the name of the variable defined in the properties file (and is listed in the Name column of the control panel). If the variable is not defined in the properties file, then the second instance is the default value or fallback value.

When to define a variable in the properties file and when to define it as a variable in the JMeter script, there are no strict rules. But there are two guidelines that can help you achieve consistency in multiple JMeter scripts and reduce unnecessary duplicate variable definitions:

  • If the same value is used consistently in several scripts, then The data can be defined in the user properties file or the file. Examples of this include system variables (for example, database name and server name), and execution-scope variables (for example, log level).
  • If some scripts use a value that may change in each script, you can define it as a script variable or define it in an external data file, for example, a comma separated value (CSV) file .

Use JSON template files for payload separation

Many cloud APIs require JSON payloads as input. JSON defines a set of structured elements, which can be nested in other elements. Each element defines one or more name/value pairs. Functional testing involves repeatedly providing data in a specified format. For example, in a typical REST API call, the JSON payload is passed in the body of the REST HTTP request and usually contains hard-coded data. Hard-coded data is often repeated in multiple tests and scattered throughout the script.

A common problem with this method is that if the JSON structure (or data) changes (perhaps because of changes in API parameters), then you must enter the JMeter test, find the body of the HTTP request, and modify it JSON structure (and data) to meet new requirements. If there are thousands of HTTP requests in multiple JMeter test cases that use this JSON structure, then many repeated edits must be performed.

A better way is to create a JSON structure template and define the replacement string for the data destination. The JSON template does not contain any hard-coded data values, but defines reference variables that are loaded with the actual data when the script is running. Then, the template is read into a variable in the JMeter script and replaced in the HTTP request body.

Listing 3 shows the traditional way of defining a JSON payload:

Listing 3. Static JSON definition in the JMeter test plan

"OrgName" :"IBM",

"AddressLine1":"Tech Park One",
"NamePrefix ":"Miss",
"WorkPhone":"999-99 99"

Listing 4 shows the dynamic way of defining JSON in a template:

Listing 4. Dynamic JSON definition in external JSON template file

"CustomerType":"${__eval(${STR_CUSTOMERTYPE })}",
"OrgName":"${__eval(${ STR_ORGNAME})}",
"AddressLine1":" ${__eval(${STR_ADDRESSLINE1})}",
"AddressType":"${__eval(${STR_ADDRESSTYPE} )}",
"PostalCode":"${__eval (${STR_POSTALCODE})}",
"GivenName":"${__eval( ${STR_GIVENNAME})}",

The JSON entity in Listing 3 only contains hard-coded data. In contrast, the template in Listing 4 only contains the name of the reference variable, so any JMeter test plan can use the template. The actual data is stored separately in the CSV data file, which we will discuss in the next section.

Please note that the JSON in Listing 4 calls the JMeter __eval() function for each defined substitution variable. This added step makes it possible to calculate variables when executing JMeter scripts at runtime.

Figure 2 and Figure 3 show how to specify the JSON entity template file in the JMeter test script. Figure 2 shows the HTTP Request control panel:

Figure 2. The content of a template file used in the test

JMeter HTTP Request control panel Screen shot of, configure the panel to use the content of a template file in the test

In the example in Figure 2, the CUSTOMER_JSON variable represents the entire JSON Customer element. This variable is enclosed in the _eval() function and displayed as the body of the HTTP request (under the heading Send Parameters With the Request on the Parameters tab). Then, in Figure 2, the request body is ${_eval(${CUSTOMER_JSON})}.

Define the CUSTOMER_JSON variable in the User Parameters control panel, as shown in Figure 3:

Figure 3. Read the JSON template file in the JMeter script

Screen shot of the User Parameters control panel used for JMeter testing, showing how the script reads a JSON template file

In Figure 3, the CUSTOMER_JSON variable is set to FileToString(), and the path to the JSON template file is used as a parameter. All the contents of the JSON entity template file are read into the CUSTOMER_JSON variable. Therefore, the content of the JSON entity template file is calculated at runtime, and all the substitution strings defined are translated into the data defined by them. (The next section will explain how substitution variables are related to actual data).

Because JMeter’s JSON entity template files are external to JMeter test scripts, you can store them in a separate directory, such as JMETER_HOME/tests/jsontemplates. When you access a JSON entity template in the JMeter test plan, you can specify the name relative to the JMeter BIN directory, for example:


You can also store the template in a place other than the JMETER_HOME directory, in which case you must provide an absolute path.

Data abstraction using the CSV Data Set Config element

Although separating the test data from the JMeter test plan initially looks like Extra work was performed, but the separation results in a more concise test are also easier to manage. When you need to modify the test, you can quickly realize some benefits. Some data may still be located locally and exist in each test plan, but most of the test data is abstracted into external files — in properties files (as we discussed earlier) or a CSV data configuration file. The resulting test suite is easier to maintain, and in most cases, you can modify any data value without editing the JMeter test plan.

JMeter uses CSV files to store comma-separated data rows. The CSV Data Set Config function of the JMeter framework provides a way to dynamically read the test data of the CSV file at runtime. Another benefit of storing test data as CSV is that you can store multiple rows of data representing multiple data objects/variables, or multiple iterations of loop processing. JMeter 2.3.4 and later versions also support providing a CSV title as the first line of the file. Then, use the delimited string name of the title to store the defined data value. Normally, each subsequent row of data represents an iteration of the loop. In this sense, the script is mainly “data-driven”, and testers can modify the data in the CSV file without any changes to the JMX script.

Testers can also share data across multiple test threads and store test data in multiple CSV files. For example, if a test logs in with a set of user credentials, and then creates an order for that user, you can create two CSV files: one to save the user’s credentials and the other to save the order information. Sometimes, it may be necessary to create multiple JMX scripts to access the CSV file. In this case, you must place the CSV file in a location that can be accessed by multiple scripts.

Iteration data defined in a CSV file is usually associated with variable names. You can define these variable names in the title, separated by commas, and they match the number of data values ​​one-to-one. As JMeter processes each line of the file, it will assign the appropriate data value to the variable name associated with that location. Listing 5 shows the contents of a sample CSV file:

List 5. Sample CSV file (customer.csv)


"Testcase1","DIRECT","1234567890", "IBM","999-999-9999","Tech Park One","","MAILING",
"Pune","India","Maharashtra","MH","411006"," Gilra","Shalini","[email protected]","Miss",

"Testcase2","DIRECT","1234567891 ","IBM","999-999-9999","Tech Park One","","MAILING",
"Pune","India","Maharashtra","MH","411006" ,"Prakash","Prem","[email protected]",

"Testcase3","DIRECT", "1234567892","IBM","999-999-9999","550, Kings Street","","MAILING",
"Littleton","United States","MA","MA" ,"1460- 1250","Tuohy","Tom","[email protected]","Mr",

When JMeter processes the CSV file in Listing 5, for the first iteration, Pune will be assigned to the STR_CITY variable, India will be assigned to the STR_COUNTRY variable, and so on. Then, do the same for the next two rows/iterations, but use the values ​​specified on those rows. When the script runs, the specified variables are loaded and contain their values ​​until they are overwritten or the script ends. To avoid inadvertently overwriting variables, please name the variables carefully. In addition, when you are debugging a JMeter script, it is important to know where the variable originated, because the script itself does not define that location. It is helpful to use a consistent variable name naming convention in the CSV file.

Figure 4 shows how to specify a CSV file in the CSV Data Set Config control panel:

Figure 4. Specify and read a CSV file in JMeter< /p>

A screenshot of the JMeter CSV Data Set Config control panel, which is used to specify and read a CSV data file

In Figure 4, the Filename field is set to the relative path of the CSV file to be read. The “Allow quoted data?” value is set to true because the data value in the CSV file is enclosed in quotation marks. The “Recycle on EOF?” option is set to false and the “Stop thread on EOF?” option is set to true, which will cause the thread to stop when it reaches the end of file (EOF).

Use While Controllers to implement loops

After separating the test data into separate CSV Data Set Config files, it can be easier Use the data set to iterate through a set of similar but independent operations. JMeter provides loop constructors such as While Controller to help iterate. By organizing the test operations in the loop constructor, you can perform all the data-driven tests you need in a JMeter test plan.

This method is useful for cloud testing because it addresses the need for testing to access APIs from multiple access roles or different data sets (positive, negative, boundary values, etc.). Using loops, all test arrangements of an API test target can be placed in a test plan, which makes writing test cases at least 20 times faster.

Figure 5 shows how to use the While Controller control panel to tell JMeter to loop through all the CSV file data:

Figure 5. Loop through all the data in the CSV file

A screenshot of the JMeter While Controller control panel, which tells JMeter to loop through all the data in the CSV file

In Figure 5, the Condition (function or variable) field is set to the jexl() function. This function compares the variables from the CSV data file with EOF. When there are no other data rows in the CSV file, it tells JMeter to exit the loop. The condition can be any variable or function whose final result is false.

Use BeanShell to write scripts

By using the BeanShell scripting language, you can perform Java programming in JMeter scripts. For example, the BeanShell script is useful in situations where the script must manipulate variables captured with JMeter’s Regular Expression Extractor. The BeanShell script executes the program passed to it and returns the result at runtime.

In some cloud applications, the response data (possibly in JSON format) returned from an API command is used as the request data for another API command, with some modifications. Using unknown dynamic data can be tricky and difficult unless you can use programming in scripts. With the BeanShell script, you can manipulate the JSON payload or read the attribute values ​​of the JSON payload at runtime by using the JSONObject class library. In order to use JSONObject in JMeter scripts, you can include java json.jar in JMeter’s classpath by copying the JAR to the JMETER_HOME/lib folder.

You can define and use BeanShell scripts in a variety of ways for different purposes. Using BeanShell PreProcessor or PostProcessor, you can apply a piece of code in the JMeter BeanShell Sampler before or after the sampler is executed. With BeanShell Assertion, you can perform conditional tests, such as whether a JMeter variable saves an expected value.

The general steps to define and use a BeanShell script are:

  1. In JMeter, create a BeanShell Listener, a BeanShell PreProcessor, a BeanShell PostProcessor, or a BeanShell Sampler.
  2. Use vars.get(“variable”) in the BeanShell script to get variables.
  3. Use the Java programming language to process BeanShell scripts.
  4. In the BeanShell script, use vars.put(“variable”) to put the processed variable back into the specified JMeter variable (this can be an existing variable or a new variable).

The sample BeanShell script in Listing 6 modifies the GivenName and WorkPhone values ​​of the third level of JSON nested in Listing 3:

Listing 6. Using the BeanShell script to modify two JSON values

custPayload = vars.get("testResp");
org.json.JSONObject custJSON = new org.json.JSONObject(custPayload) ;

if (custJSON.has("Customer") && custJSON.get("Customer")!= null) {
org.json.JSONObject contactJSON = custJSON.getJSONObject("Customer ").getJSONObject(
contactJSON.put("GivenName", "Shalini");
contactJSON.put("MobilePhone", "9923406159");
vars.put("updatedCustPayload", custJSON.toString());

Now, requests can use ${updatedCustPayload} in API UPDATE commands variable.

You can use BeanShell scripts to manipulate JMeter variables or JSON data in many other ways — such as performing arithmetic operations, extracting the value of a variable, or substituting the value of a specific variable for the value of another variable. In general, BeanShell can be used to perform tasks that JMeter does not directly support.

Using Module Controller to modularize reusable fragments

A complex test plan includes many variables and functions, which is very common . Usually, these fragments are used more than once or twice in other test plans. In this case, these fragments can be split into several sub-modules that can be reused in other places to reduce maintenance workload. Then, if a reusable feature needs to be modified in the future, you only need to modify it somewhere.

JMeter Module Controller is a mechanism that can replace test plan fragments in the current test plan at runtime. Fragments can be in any thread group or on WorkBench. Any fragment used by the Module Controller must have a unique name because that name is used to find the target controller when reloading a test plan.

The example in Figure 6 shows where the Module Controller is placed and the module called in the script:

Figure 6. The placement of the Module Controller and what it points to Module

A screenshot of the JMeter test plan. In this plan, the Module Controller is created between the Login and Logout routines of the Customer Service module, and the Register pointed to by the controller The Customer module was created in WorkBench

In the test plan shown in Figure 6, Register Customer is defined as a separate module and is placed in the WorkBench section. The Module Controller (Module Controller-Register Customer) is placed after the Login User routine and before the Logout, pointing to the Register Customer module. When running the script, the Module Controller replaces the Register Customer module in the test plan at the location of the Module Controller.

Figure 7 shows how to define a Module Controller in the script:

Figure 7. Module Controller points to a simple controller defined in WorkBench

Screenshot of JMeter Module Controller pointing to the simple controller defined in WorkBench

In Figure 7, select the Register Customer module from the drop-down list in the Module To Run field, which lists all available modules.

When reusable components are reused in the same script (JMX file), Module Controller can be used. If you will use reusable fragments in other scripts, you can move the fragments to a separate JMX file and call it using the Include Controller, which will be described in detail in the next section.

Use Include Controller to include reusable JMeter files

JMeter’s Include Controller provides a placeholder for one of the JMX files (Parent script) can call another JMeter script (child script). By splitting the script into smaller scripts or modules/routines, and using these subroutines to build a test suite, modularization can be achieved in the scripts to enhance comprehensibility and reusability. Use Include Controller to separate reusable code snippets or prerequisites (such as Login User and Register User) to help better manage and maintain scripts.

To use Include Controller, you first need to create a child JMX file that contains a reusable routine (such as Login Admin User). Figure 8 shows a sample child script, which can be included in the parent script through Include Controller:

Figure 8. Child JMX file (LoginUser.jmx)

Screenshot of subscript (LoginUser.jmx)

< p> The sub-script in Figure 8 defines a test plan, which contains a sample program and a Login User HTTP request. In the HTTP request, the variables used in the protocol, server name, and other settings are defined in the parent script.

The next step is to add an Include Controller where you want to call the child script in the parent script, and point the Include Controller to the path of the child JMX file. Figure 9 shows an Include Controller defined in the parent script:

Figure 9. Adding an Include Controller to the parent JMX file

 A screenshot of the Include Controller of the parent script

In the Include Controller control panel shown in Figure 9 , The Filename field stores the relative path of the child JMX file (Login_User.jmx in this example).

The child JMX file can access any variables defined in the parent JMX file accessible in the Include Controller, and the parent JMX file can use the variables defined in the child JMX file.

Use regular expressions

When JSON is the request payload of a REST operation, the response is either in JSON format or in characters String representation. After completing the operation, the response string, error code, and error message string must be extracted to verify that the feature works as expected. You can use JMeter’s regular expression feature to extract response data from variables.

Figure 10 shows how to create a simple regular expression extractor in JMeter’s Regular Expression Extractor control panel:

Figure 10. Simple regular expression Extractor

Screenshot of a simple regular expression extractor in JMeter

In Figure 10, Reference Name (User in this case) stores the value extracted using regular expression syntax. In the Regular Expression field, you provide the syntax for the regular expression to run against the response (in Figure 11, the syntax is \”LoginName\”:\”(.*?)\”) to extract specific data. Examples of common regular expression syntax for JSON response data include:

  • \s*(.+)\s* used to extract the entire response string
  • \”LoginName\ “:\”(.*?)\” Used to extract “LoginName”:”[email protected]”
  • \”CustomerId\”:(\d+) Used to extract “CustomerId”:2000006< /li>

In the Template field of Figure 10, $1$ represents the grouping of reference variables. The Default Value field is used to provide a default value for debugging if the regular expression does not match. According to practice, only declare default values ​​when adding and testing regular expression patterns during the scripting phase.

Extend the JMeter script to perform performance testing

Ideally, performance testing of any application includes two scenarios: The spike in the number of users and the increase in system load. If the existing functional test scenario covers basic REST functions, it is easy to extend and update it to test the performance of REST services hosted on the cloud infrastructure. You can modify the number of requests that should be sent to each server to load test the application. You can control the number of requests by configuring the rise period using the appropriate loop iteration.

For example, suppose you have a test plan to execute and verify a simple set of REST principles based on the following algorithm:

  1. Execute an HTTP POST method to create a customer object .
  2. Execute an HTTP GET method to verify the creation of the client object.
  3. Execute an HTTP PUT method to verify the modification of the client object.
  4. Execute an HTTP DELETE method to verify that the client object has been deleted.

You can adjust a simple functional test plan (originally designed for RESTful API functional test scenarios) into a performance test script targeting servers deployed in a cloud environment.

  1. Navigate to the Thread Group control panel of the test plan, as shown in Figure 11:

    Figure 11. Figure 11. Example of performance simulation settings

    Screenshot of the JMeter Thread Group control panel showing the performance simulation settings

  2. Enter ${Thread} in the Number of Threads (users) field. The value of the Thread variable (which will be configured in step 5) sets the number of available threads to reflect how many virtual users are accessing the server.
  3. Enter ${RampUp} in the Ramp-Up Period (in seconds) field. The value of the RampUp variable (which will be configured in step 5) determines the speed of distributing requests (this is based on the number of threads defined in step 1). For example, if there are 10 threads and the acceleration rise time is 100 seconds, then each thread starts 10 seconds after the previous thread starts, and there is a total time of 100 seconds to speed up the test.
  4. Enter ${Loop} in the Loop Count field. The value of the Loop variable (which will be configured in step 5) determines the number of times the test plan is executed.
  5. Navigate to the User Defined Variables control panel and define Thread, RampUp, and Loop as global variables, as shown in Figure 12. Assign appropriate variable values ​​to each load to be simulated.

    Figure 12. Performance test simulation variables

    Screen shot of the User Defined Variables control panel showing the sample performance test simulation variables

    In Figure 12, the Loop value is set to 5, the RampUp value is set to 50, and the Loop value is set to 2.

Figure 13 shows the result of executing JMeter on one of the node servers deployed in the cloud application based on the variable values ​​configured in Figure 12:

Figure 13. Performance test results

The screenshot shows the results of running a JMeter test on a node server that has been deployed in a cloud application, based on The configuration variable defined in Figure 12

Figure 13 shows the heaviness of concurrent requests sent to the server Load to simulate performance test conditions.

Extend the JMeter script to perform reliability testing

Reliability testing is performed by continuously running a Group scripts are a way to ensure the stability of the overall system. The results of the reliability test should be viewed together with the results of the stress test, functional test, and network feature test.

Like performance testing, you can convert a test plan that executes and validates a set of simple REST principles into a set of appropriate reliability test scripts to determine the performance of any product or feature running on the cloud instance stability.

An important aspect of reliability testing is to determine whether a failure occurs during the course of running a script for multiple days. Check the Forever checkbox of the Thread Group control panel, as shown in Figure 14, so that the thread can run until the test fails or the script is forcibly stopped:

Figure 14. JMeter script可靠性设置

JMeter Thread Group 控制面板的屏幕截图,包含已为可靠性测试选中的Forever 复选框

在配置了可靠性测试设置后,运行测试几天,通过JMeter 结果图或通过JMeter 提供的推断选项连续监测结果。


本文向您介绍了使用 JMeter 来有效地测试基于云的应用程序的方法。文章并没有进行详尽的讨论,我们鼓励您尝试使用其他技术来改进 JMeter 中的自动化任务实现。 JMeter Wiki是继续您的探索的一个好地方。


本文转自:  清明-心若淡定


由于支持云的应用程序通常可以轻松、快速地进行复制和部署,所以可以在多种环境中对其进行测试。如果您需要在多个环境中测试和运行自动化脚本,那么可以在 JMeter 中使用一个独立的属性文件为连接资源(如,应用服务器和数据库)定义数据(包括登录凭据),这样做很有好处。

在 JMETER_HOME/bin 目录下的三个文件中定义 JMeter 的属性和变量。在启动 JMeter 时,它会按以下顺序加载这些文件:

  2. 一个可选的用户定义的属性文件

当 JMeter 正在运行的时候,如果要添加任何新属性或改变现有的属性,则必须先关闭 JMeter,然后重新启动它,使更改生效。 文件存储与 JMeter 应用程序本身有关的属性。这个文件中仅 保留了特定于 JMeter 程序的属性或特定于框架的属性。创建一个单独的文件(文件名由您选择),用该文件来存储测试环境特定的属性和变量,它们对于和接受测试的应用程序有关联的所有脚本来说是全局的属性和变量 — 例如,管理员的用户名/密码。在 文件中,取消对 设置的注释,并将 的值设置为所创建的文件的名称。清单 1 中的示例将该值设置为

清单 1. 在 文件中指定一个用户属性文件

# Should JMeter automatically load additional JMeter properties?
# File name to look for (comment to disable)

清单 2 中的示例用户属性文件显示了在用户属性文件中定义变量所用的格式。 (在该定义中,等号左边的任何地方都不允许有空格;必要时,属性值可以包含空格)。

清单 2. 示例用户属性文件

# FVT API Test Environment parameters
# --- Login Credentials
[email protected]
# --- Application Server
# --- Database Server${DB_NAME}

应保留 JMeter 的第三个属性文件,以便必须为所有脚本定义的全系统属性能够使用它。例如,如果您的所有脚本都使用某个特定的数据库服务器,那么您可以在 system.propterties 文件中指定相关的属性。

JMeter 的 User Defined Variables 控制面板(如图 1 所示)显示了 JMeter 脚本如何读取在用户属性文件中定义的属性。

图 1. JMeter 脚本如何读取在用户属性文件中定义的配置数据

JMeter User Defined Variables 控制面板的屏幕截图,显示了 JMeter 脚本如何读取已在用户属性文件中定义的属性

控制面板的 Value 列中的每个项目的格式为:


例如,来自用户属性文件的 USER_LOGIN 变量被读取为脚本中的 ${__property(USER_LOGIN, USER_LOGIN)} 函数。括号中的第一个 USER_LOGIN 是在属性文件中定义的变量的名称(并且已在控制面板的 Name 列中列出)。如果属性文件中没有定义变量,那么第二个实例是默认值或回退值。

何时在属性文件中定义一个变量,何时将它定义为 JMeter 脚本里面的一个变量,这些并没有严格的规定。但有两个准则可以帮助您在多个 JMeter 脚本中实现一致性,并减少不必要的重复变量定义:

  • 如果在几个脚本一致地使用相同的值,那么可以在用户属性文件或 文件中定义数据。这方面的示例包括系统变量(例如,数据库名称和服务器名称),以及执行范围的变量(例如,日志级别)。
  • 如果一些脚本使用一个在各脚本中可能会变化的值,那么可以将它定义为一个脚本变量,或在外部数据文件中定义它,例如,逗号分隔值(CSV)文件。

使用 JSON 模板文件实现有效负载分离

许多云 API 要求使用 JSON 有效负载作为输入。 JSON 定义了一组结构化的元素,可以将它们嵌套在其他元素中。每一个元素定义一个或多个名称/值对。功能测试包括以指定格式反复提供数据。例如,在一个典型的 REST API 调用中,JSON 有效负载在 REST HTTP 请求的主体中传递,并且通常包含硬编码的数据。硬编码的数据通常会在多个测试中重复,并分散在整个脚本中。

这种方法的一个常见问题是,如果 JSON 结构(或数据)发现变化(也许是因为 API 参数的更改),那么您必须进入 JMeter 测试,找到 HTTP 请求的主体,并修改 JSON 结构(和数据),以满足新的要求。如果在使用此 JSON 结构的多个 JMeter 测试用例中有数千个 HTTP 请求,那么必须执行许多重复的编辑。

更好的方法是创建一个 JSON 结构模板,并定义数据目的地的替换字符串。 JSON 模板不包含任何硬编码的数据值,而是定义在脚本运行时随实际数据一起加载的引用变量。然后,模板被读入 JMeter 脚本中的某个变量,并在 HTTP 请求主体中被替换。

清单 3 显示了定义一个 JSON 有效负载的传统方式:

清单 3. JMeter 测试计划中的静态 JSON 定义


"AddressLine1":"Tech Park One",
"EmailAddress":"[email protected]",

清单 4 显示了在模板中定义 JSON 的动态方式:

清单 4. 在外部 JSON 模板文件中的动态 JSON 定义


清单 3 中的 JSON 实体只包含硬编码的数据。相反,清单 4 中的模板只包含引用变量的名称,所以,任何 JMeter 测试计划都可以使用模板。实际数据被单独存储在 CSV 数据文件中,我们将在 下一节 讨论它。

请注意,清单 4 中的 JSON 为每个已定义的替代变量调用了 JMeter __eval() 函数。增加的这一步骤使得在运行时执行 JMeter 脚本的时候可以对变量进行计算。

图 2 和图 3 显示了如何在 JMeter 测试脚本中指定 JSON 实体模板文件。图 2 显示了 HTTP Request 控制面板:

图 2. 在测试中使用一个模板文件的内容

JMeter HTTP Request 控制面板的屏幕截图,配置该面板,以便在测试中使用某个模板文件的内容

在图 2 的示例中,CUSTOMER_JSON 变量表示整个JSON Customer 元素。该变量被封闭在 _eval() 函数中,显示为 HTTP 请求的主体(在 Parameters 选项卡上的 Send Parameters With the Request 标题下)。然后,在图 2 中,请求主体是 ${_eval(${CUSTOMER_JSON})}。

在 User Parameters 控制面板中定义 CUSTOMER_JSON 变量,如图 3 所示:

图 3. 在 JMeter 脚本中读取 JSON 模板文件

用于 JMeter 测试的 User Parameters 控制面板的屏幕截图,显示了该脚本如何读取一个 JSON 模板文件

在图 3 中,CUSTOMER_JSON 变量被设置为 FileToString(),并使用指向 JSON 模板文件的路径作为参数。 JSON 实体模板文件的所有内容都被读入 CUSTOMER_JSON 变量。因此,JSON 实体模板文件的内容是在运行时计算的,所定义的所有替代字符串都被翻译成为它们定义的数据。 (下一节 将说明替代变量如何与实际数据相关联)。

因为 JMeter 的 JSON 实体模板文件对于 JMeter 测试脚本是外部文件,所以您可以将它们存储在一个单独的目录,比如 JMETER_HOME/tests/jsontemplates。当您访问 JMeter 测试计划中的某个 JSON 实体模板时,可指定相对于 JMeter BIN 目录的名称,例如:


您也可以将模板存储在 JMETER_HOME 目录以外的地方,在这种情况下,您必须提供绝对路径。

使用 CSV Data Set Config 元素的数据抽象

虽然将测试数据与 JMeter 测试计划分开在最初看起来像是执行了额外的工作,但是更简洁的测试中的分离结果也更容易管理。在需要修改测试时,就可以快速实现一些好处。某些数据可能仍然位于本地,存在于每个测试计划中,但大多数的测试数据抽象到外部文件中 — 在属性文件(正如我们前面讨论过的)或一个 CSV 数据配置文件中。所产生的测试套件更易于维护,而且在大多数情况下,不需要编辑 JMeter 测试计划就可以修改任何数据值。

JMeter 使??用 CSV 文件存储以逗号分隔的数据行。 JMeter 框架的 CSV Data Set Config 功能提供了一种在运行时动态读取 CSV 文件测试数据的方法。将测试数据存储为 CSV 另外一个好处是,您可以存储多行代表多个数据对象/变量的数据,或循环处理的多次迭代的数据。 JMeter 2.3.4 及更高版本还支持提供一个 CSV 标题 作为文件的第一行。然后,使用标题的分隔字符串名称存储所定义的数据值。通常情况下,随后每一行的数据都代表循环的一次迭代。从这个意义上讲,该脚本主要是 “数据驱动的”,测试人员可以修改 CSV 文件中的数据,无需对 JMX 脚本进行任何更改。

测试人员还可以跨多个测试线程共享数据,并在多个 CSV 文件中存储测试数据。例如,如果有一个测试用一组用户凭据登录,然后为该用户创建一个订单,那么您可以创建两个 CSV 文件:一个用于保存用户凭据,另一个用于保存订单信息。有时候,可能需要创建多个 JMX 脚本来访问 CSV 文件。在这种情况下,您必须将 CSV 文件放在多个脚本都可以访问的位置。

在一个 CSV 文件内定义的迭代数据通常与变量名称有关联。您可以在标题中定义这些变量名称,用逗号分隔,并且它们一对一地与数据值的数量相匹配。当 JMeter 处理文件的每一行时,它会将适当的数据值分配给与该位置有关联的变量名称。清单 5 显示了样例 CSV 文件的内容:

清单 5. 样例 CSV 文件 (customer.csv)


"Testcase1","DIRECT","1234567890","IBM","999-999-9999","Tech Park One","","MAILING",
"Pune","India","Maharashtra","MH","411006","Gilra","Shalini","[email protected]","Miss",

"Testcase2","DIRECT","1234567891","IBM","999-999-9999","Tech Park One","","MAILING",
"Pune","India","Maharashtra","MH","411006","Prakash","Prem","[email protected]",

"Testcase3","DIRECT","1234567892","IBM","999-999-9999","550, Kings Street","","MAILING",
"Littleton","United States","MA","MA","1460-12 50","Tuohy","Tom","[email protected]","Mr",

在 JMeter 处理 清单 5 中的 CSV 文件时,对于第一次迭代,会将 Pune 分配给 STR_CITY 变量,将 India 分配给 STR_COUNTRY 变量,等等。然后,对接下来的两行/迭代执行同样的操作,但使用了在那些行上指定的值。当脚本运行的时候,所指定的变量加载并包含它们的值,直到它们被覆盖或脚本结束。为了避免无意中覆盖了变量,请小心地命名变量。此外,当您调试 JMeter 脚本时,知道变量的起源在哪里非常重要,因为脚本本身没有定义该位置。在 CSV 文件中使用一致的变量名称命名惯例很有帮助。

图 4 显示了如何在 CSV Data Set Config 控制面板中指定 CSV 文件:

图 4. 在 JMeter 中指定和读取一个 CSV 文件

JMeter CSV Data Set Config 控制面板的屏幕截图,该面板用于指定和读取某个 CSV 数据文件

在图 4 中,Filename 字段被设置为将被读取的 CSV 文件的相对路径。 “Allow quoted data?” 值被设置为 true,因为 CSV 文件中的数据值用引号括了起来。 “Recycle on EOF?” 选项被设置为 false,“Stop thread on EOF?” 选项被设置为 true,这将导致线程在到达文件结束(EOF)时停止。

使用 While Controllers 实现循环

在将测试数据分离成单独的 CSV Data Set Config 文件后,可以更容易地使用数据集在一组相似但独立的操作中进行迭代。 JMeter 提供了 While Controller 等循环构造函数来帮助实现迭代。通过在循环构造函数中组织测试操作,您可以在一个 JMeter 测试计划中执行所需的全部数据驱动的测试。

这种方法对于云测试很有用,因为它解决了测试从多个访问角色或不同数据集(正、负、边界值,等等)访问 API 的需求。利用循环,可以将一个 API 测试目标的所有测试排列都放在一个测试计划中,这使得编写测试用例的速度至少快了 20 倍。

图 5 显示了如何使用 While Controller 控制面板来告诉 JMeter 循环遍历所有 CSV 文件数据:

图 5. 循环遍历 CSV 文件中的所有数据

JMeter While Controller 控制面板的屏幕截图,该面板告诉 JMeter 循环遍历 CSV 文件中的所有数据

在图 5 中,Condition(函数或变量)字段被设置为 jexl() 函数。此函数比较了来自 CSV 数据文件的变量与 EOF,当 CSV 文件中没有其他数据行时,它会告诉 JMeter 退出循环。条件可以是最终计算结果为 false 的任何变量或函数。

使用 BeanShell 编写脚本

通过使用 BeanShell 脚本语言,您可以在 JMeter 脚本中进行 Java 编程。例如,在脚本必须操纵用 JMeter 的 Regular Expression Extractor 捕获的变量的情况下,BeanShell 脚本很有用。 BeanShell 脚本执行传递给它的程序,并在运行时返回结果。

在某些云应用程序中,使用了从 API 命令返回的响应数据(可能是 JSON 格式的)作为对另一个 API 命令的请求数据,其中进行了一些修改。使用未知的动态数据可能非常棘手和困难,除非您可以在脚本中使用编程。利用 BeanShell 脚本,通过使用 JSONObject 类库,您可以在运行时操纵 JSON 有效负载或读取 JSON 有效负载的属性值。为了在 JMeter 脚本中使用 JSONObject,通过将 JAR 复制到 JMETER_HOME/lib 文件夹,可以在 JMeter 的类路径中包含 java json.jar。

您可以针对不同目的,通过多种方式定义和使用 BeanShell 脚本。利用 BeanShell PreProcessor 或 PostProcessor,可以在采样器执行之前或之后应用 JMeter BeanShell Sampler 中的一段代码。利用 BeanShell Assertion,可以进行条件测试,比如 JMeter 变量是否保存了一个预期值。

定义并使用 BeanShell 脚本的一般步骤是:

  1. 在 JMeter 中,创建一个 BeanShell Listener、一个 BeanShell PreProcessor、一个 BeanShell PostProcessor,或 BeanShell Sampler。
  2. 在 BeanShell 脚本中使用 vars.get(“variable”) 获得变量。
  3. 使用 Java 编程语言来处理 BeanShell 脚本。
  4. 在 BeanShell 脚本中,使用 vars.put(“variable”) 将处理后的变量放回指定的 JMeter 变量(这可以是一个现有变量或一个新变量)。

清单 6 中的样例 BeanShell 脚本修改了嵌套在 清单 3 中的 JSON 的第三层的 GivenName 和 WorkPhone 值:

清单 6. 使用 BeanShell 脚本修改两个 JSON 值

custPayload= vars.get("testResp");
org.json.JSONObject custJSON= new org.json.JSONObject(custPayload);

if (custJSON.has("Customer") && custJSON.get("Customer")!= null) {
org.json.JSONObject contactJSON = custJSON.getJSONObject("Customer").getJSONObject(
contactJSON.put("GivenName", "Shalini");
contactJSON.put("MobilePhone", "9923406159");
vars.put("updatedCustPayload", custJSON.toString());

现在,请求可以在 API UPDATE 命令中使用 ${updatedCustPayload} 变量。

可以通过其他许多方式使用 BeanShell 脚本来操纵 JMeter 变量或 JSON 数据 — 比如执行算术运算、提取变量的值,或以一个特定变量的值替换另一个变量的值。总体而言,BeanShell 可用于执行 JMeter 不直接支持的任务。

使用 Module Controller 模块化可重用的片段

一 个复杂的测试计划中包括许多变量和函数,这很常见。通常情况下,这些片段在其他测试计划中也被使用超过一次或两次。在这种情况下,可以将这些片段拆分为可 以在其他地方重用的若干个子模块,以便减少维护工作量。然后,如果一个可重用的功能在未来需要进行修改,您只需要在某个地方修改它。

JMeter Module Controller 是一种机制,可以在运行时在目前的测试计划中替换测试计划片段。片段可以位于任何线程组或在 WorkBench 上。 Module Controller 使用的任何片段都必须具有惟一的名称,因为该名称被用于在重新加载一个测试计划时找到目标控制器。

图 6 的示例显示了放置 Module Controller 的位置,以及在脚本中调用的模块:

图 6. Module Controller 的放置和它指向的模块

JMeter 测试计划的屏幕截图,在该计划中,Module Controller 是在 Customer Service 模块的 Login 和 Logout 例程之间创建的,并且控制器所指向的 Register Customer 模块是在 WorkBench 中创建的

在图 6 所示的测试计划中,Register Customer 被定义为一个单独的模块,被放置在 WorkBench 部分中。 Module Controller (Module Controller – Register Customer) 被放置在 Login User 例程的后面和 Logout 的前面,指向 Register Customer 模块。在运行脚本时,在 Module Controller 的所在位置上,Module Controller 替代了测试计划中的 Register Customer 模块。

图 7 显示了如何在脚本中定义一个 Module Controller:

图 7. Module Controller 指向在 WorkBench 中定义的简单控制器

指向 WorkBench 中定义的简单控制器的 JMeter Module Controller 的屏幕截图

在图 7 中,从 Module To Run 字段的下拉列表选中 Register Customer 模块,该列表列出了所有可用模块。

当可重用的组件在同一个脚本(JMX 文件)中被重用时,可以使用 Module Controller。如果在其他脚本中也将使用可重用的片段,那么可以将片段移到一个单独的 JMX 文件中,并使用 Include Controller 调用它,在下一节中将会详细叙述该操作。

使用 Include Controller 包括可重用的 JMeter 文件

JMeter 的 Include Controller 提供了一个占位符,其中一个 JMX 文件(父 脚本)可以调用另一个 JMeter 脚本(子 脚本)。通过将脚本拆分为较小的脚本或模块/例程,并使用这些子例程构建立一个测试套件,可以在脚本中实现模块化,以增强可理解性和可重用性。使用 Include Controller 分离可重用的代码片段或先决条件(如 Login User 和 Register User),帮助更好地管理和维护脚本。

要使用 Include Controller,首先需要创建一个子 JMX 文件,其中包含一个可重用的例程(如 Login Admin User)。图 8 显示了一个示例子脚本,通过 Include Controller 可以将它包含在父脚本中:

图 8. 子 JMX 文件 (LoginUser.jmx)

子脚本 (LoginUser.jmx) 的屏幕截图

图 8 中的子脚本定义了一个测试计划,其中包含一个采样程序和一个 Login User 的 HTTP 请求。在 HTTP 请求中,协议、服务器名称和其他设置所使用的变量是在父脚本中定义的。

下一步是在父脚本中想要调用子脚本的地方添加一个 Include Controller,并将 Include Controller 指向子 JMX 文件的路径。图 9 显示了一个在父脚本中定义的 Include Controller:

图 9. 在父 JMX 文件中添加一个 Include Controller

父脚本的 Include Controller 的屏幕截图

在图 9 所示的 Include Controller 控制面板中,Filename 字段存储了子 JMX 文件(在本例中是 Login_User.jmx)的相对路径。

子 JMX 文件可以访问在 Include Controller 中可以访问的父 JMX 文件中定义的任何变量,并且父 JMX 文件可以使用在子 JMX 文件中定义的变量。


当 JSON 是 REST 操作的请求负载时,响应要么是 JSON 格式的,要么是字符串表示形式。在完成操作后,必须提取响应字符串、错误代码和错误消息字符串,以验证特性是否如预期般运作。您可以使用 JMeter 的正则表达式特性来提取变量中的响应数据。

图 10 显示了如何在 JMeter 的 Regular Expression Extractor 控制面板中创建一个简单的正则表达式提取器:

图 10. 简单的正则表达式提取器

JMeter 中的简单的正则表达式提取器的屏幕截图

在图 10 中,Reference Name (在本例中是 User)存储使用正则表达式语法提取的值。在 Regular Expression 字段中,您为针对响应运行的正则表达式提供了语法(在 图 11 中,该语法是 \”LoginName\”:\”(.*?)\”),以提取特定数据。 JSON 响应数据的常用正则表达式语法示例包括:

  • \s*(.+)\s* 用于提取整个响应字符串
  • \”LoginName\”:\”(.*?)\” 用于提取 “LoginName”:”[email protected]”
  • \”CustomerId\”:(\d+) 用于提取 “CustomerId”:2000006

在 图 10 的 Template 字段中,$1$ 表示参考变量的分组。 Default Value 字段用于在正则表达式不匹配的情况下为调试提供默认值。根据实践,只有在脚本阶段添加和测试正则表达式模式的时候才声明默认值。

扩展功能 JMeter 脚本以执行性能测试

理想情况下,任何应用程序的性能测试都包括两个场景:用户数量尖峰和系统负载的增加。如果现有的功能测试场景涵盖了基本的 REST 函数,那么很容易扩展和更新它,从而测试托管在云基础架构上的 REST 服务的性能。您可以修改应该被发送到每个服务器的请求的数量,对应用程序进行加载测试。您可以通过配置使用适当循环迭代的上升期 来控制请求的数量。

例如,假设您有一个测试计划,基于以下算法执行和验证一组简单的 REST 原则:

  1. 执行一个 HTTP POST 方法,以创建一个客户对象。
  2. 执行一个 HTTP GET 方法,以验证客户对象的创建。
  3. 执行一个 HTTP PUT 方法,以验证客户对象的修改。
  4. 执行一个 HTTP DELETE 方法,以验证客户对象已被删除。

您可以将简单的功能测试计划(最初为 RESTful API 功能测试场景而设计)调整为一个以云环境中部署的服务器为目标的性能测试脚本。

  1. 导航到测试计划的 Thread Group 控制面板,如图 11 所示:

    图 11. 图 11. 性能仿真设置示例

    JMeter Thread Group 控制面板的屏幕截图,显示了性能仿真设置

  2. 在 Number of Threads (users) 字段中输入 ${Thread}。 Thread 变量的值(将在步骤 5 中配置它)设置了可用线程的数量,以反映有多少虚拟用户在访问服务器。
  3. 在 Ramp-Up Period (in seconds) 字段中输入 ${RampUp}。 RampUp 变量的值(将在步骤 5 中配置它)确定了分发请求的速度(这基于在步骤 1 中定义的线程数量)。例如,如果有 10 个线程,加速上升时间为 100 秒,那么每个线程在前一个线程启动后 10 秒开始,有 100 秒的总时间可以让测试加快速度。
  4. 在 Loop Count 字段中输入 ${Loop}。 Loop 变量的值(将在步骤 5 中配置它)确定了测试计划执行的次数。
  5. 导航到 User Defined Variables 控制面板,并将 Thread、RampUp 和 Loop 定义为全局变量,如图 12 所示。为每个要模拟的负载分配适当的变量值。

    图 12. 性能测试模拟变量

    User Defined Variables 控制面板的屏幕截图,显示了样例性能测试仿真变量

    在图 12 中,Loop 值被设置为 5,RampUp 值被设置为 50,Loop 值被设置为 2。

图 13 显示了基于图 12 中已配置的变量值,对在云应用程序中部署的其中一个节点服务器执行 JMeter 的结果:

图 13. 性能测试结果

屏幕截图显示了对已在云应用程序中部署的某个节点服务器运行 JMeter 测试的结果,基于图 12 中定义的配置变量

图 13 显示了发送到服务器的并发请求的沉重负载,以模拟性能测试条件。

扩展功能 JMeter 脚本,以执行可靠性测试

可靠性测试 是通过在多组特定条件下连续运行一组脚本,确保整体系统稳定性的一种方式。可靠性测试的结果应该与压力测试、功能测试和网络特性测试的结果一起查看。

与性能测试一样,您可以将执行和验证一组简单的 REST 原则的测试计划转换为一组合适的可靠性测试脚本,以确定云实例上运行的任何产品或特性的稳定性。

可靠性测试的一个重要方面是,确定在连续多日运行一个脚本的过程中是否发生故障。选中 Thread Group 控制面板的 Forever 复选框,如图 14 所示,让线程可以一直运行,直到测试失败或脚本被强行停止:

图 14. JMeter 脚本的可靠性设置

JMeter Thread Group 控制面板的屏幕截图,包含已为可靠性测试选中的 Forever 复选框

在配置了可靠性测试设置后,运行测试几天,通过 JMeter 结果图或通过 JMeter 提供的推断选项连续监测结果。


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本文转自:  清明-心若淡定

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