Gauge Automation Frame Steam (3): Context

1. Template project

Let the items in the template become template items for the time being. As mentioned in the previous article, this is a project about vowels in English, counting how many vowels are contained in a word

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two. Contexts< /span>

Note that there are the following lines in the example.spec file, and the step in line 11 means Context step

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Context, official website The explanation given is that one or more context steps are located in front of all scenes in a spec file. It is a necessary link to execute the scene. The context can set data before the scene runs, and it can also act as a setup or teardown function. The context is executed in front of each scene

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In the above example, the context step will log in as Mike, jump to the project page, and then execute the scenario of deleting a single project and deleting multiple projects. The execution order is:

Scene 1:

1. Log in as Mike and jump to the project page
2. Delete a single item

Scene two:
3. Log in as Mike and jump to the project page
4. Delete multiple items

The instructions given It’s easy to understand, it’s actually a bit similar to the setUpClass in unittest, the initialization of the environment. If, as we said earlier, a scene is equivalent to a class, this is somewhat similar to the initialization of the class __init__

Looking back at the template project example, there are two scenes Vowel counts in single word and Vowel counts in multiple word. The step in the first scene is The word “gauge” has “3” vowels. The step in the two scenes is a table listing word and Vowel Count. In fact, it can be understood that word is actually the actual parameter of the method, and the value corresponding to Vowel Count is the expected result corresponding to this actual parameter. This makes it easy to understand why the method should be parameterized:@step(“The word has vowels.”), and the result of method execution is the actual result, so assert is used to make an assertion

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But when we look at the file, we can’t really feel the execution order of the context, because the definition of the method is completely messy. The method on the context is in lines 19-22, and the one in the scene The method is in lines 14-16. This is not like setUpClass or __init__ constructor, in front of other methods inside the class

 1 from getgauge.python import step, before_scenario, Messages

3 vowels = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "< span style="color: #800000;">u"]
6 def number_of_vowels(word):
7 return len([elem for elem in list(word) if span> elem in vowels])
10 # --------------------------
11 # Gauge step implementations
12 # --------------------------
14 @step("The word has vowels.")
15 def assert_no_of_vowels_in(word, number):
16 assert str(number) == str(number_of_vowels(word))
19 @step("Vowels in English language are .")
20 def assert_default_vowels(given_vowels):
21 Messages.write_message("Given vowels are {0}".format( given_vowels))
22 assert given_vowels == "".join(vowels)
25 @step("Almost all words have vowels ")
26def assert_words_vowel_count(table):
27 actual = [str(number_of_vowels(word)) for span> word in table.get_column_values_with_name("Word")]
28 expected = [str(count) for count in table.get_column_values_with_name(" Vowel Count")]
29assert expected == actual
32# ---------------
33# Execution Hooks
34# ---------------
37def before_scenario_hook():
38assert"".join(vowels) == "aeiou"

Regarding the execution order, it can be verified only by checking the test report. The context step is executed before each scene in the test report is run. This is obvious

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Reference article< /h1>

Scene 1:

1. Log in as Mike and jump to the project page
2. Delete a single item

Scene two:
3. Log in as Mike and jump to the project page
4. Delete multiple items

 1 from getgauge.python import step, before_scenario, Messages

3 vowels = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "< span style="color: #800000;">u"]
6 def number_of_vowels(word):
7 return len([elem for elem in list(word) if span> elem in vowels])
10 # --------------------------
11 # Gauge step implementations
12 # --------------------------
14 @step("The word has vowels.")
15 def assert_no_of_vowels_in(word, number):
16 assert str(number) == str(number_of_vowels(word))
19 @step("Vowels in English language are .")
20 def assert_default_vowels(given_vowels):
21 Messages.write_message("Given vowels are {0}".format( given_vowels))
22 assert given_vowels == "".join(vowels)
25 @step("Almost all words have vowels

26def assert_words_vowel_count(table):
27 actual = [str(number_of_vowels(word)) for span> word in table.get_column_values_with_name("Word")]
28 expected = [str(count) for count in table.get_column_values_with_name(" Vowel Count")]
29assert expected == actual
32# ---------------
33# Execution Hooks
34# ---------------
37def before_scenario_hook():
38assert"".join(vowels) == "aeiou"

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