TDD – Continuous Integration and Acceptance Test Drive Development

I have a question related to Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD). According to this process, I start each feature through acceptance testing (end-to-end testing). I submit these tests , And they failed as expected. The problem is that I should somehow distinguish between acceptance tests that fail due to incomplete functionality and acceptance tests that fail due to some regressions. What is the best practice for organizing CI processes using ATDD?
Tests that have not yet been implemented should not be run in CI. The purpose of CI testing is to get regressions. Capture “not yet completed” The problem will cause the red build to be “normal” and be ignored. This is the worst result.

There are many ways to do this, and the best way depends on your background. The most The easy way is to write an acceptance test first, but don’t check it until it passes (i.e. you have implemented the feature).

I have an acceptance test driven development ( ATDD) related issues. According to this process, I started each feature through acceptance testing (end-to-end testing). I submitted these tests, and they failed as expected. The problem is that I should somehow distinguish due to feature failure Acceptance tests that fail to complete and acceptance tests that fail due to certain regressions. What are the best practices for organizing CI processes using ATDD?

Tests that have not yet been implemented should not be run in CI. The purpose of CI testing is to obtain regressions. Catching “not yet completed” issues will cause the red build to “normal” and be ignored This is the worst result.

There are many ways to do this, and the best way depends on your background. The easiest way is to write an acceptance test first, but after passing Don’t check it before (i.e. you have implemented the feature).

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