Architecture – domain driving design: polymers and son polymers

In my project, I found that I need to break my aggregation in a hierarchical manner, using the highest root level aggregation, which ensures the consistency of the root level rules, and then the root directory My objects can be sub-grouped into various aggregations. When calculating the integrity of the root-level aggregation, the root verifies its own rules, and then delegates the root of the sub-aggregation to determine whether the sub-aggregation is valid.

In addition, in order to achieve optimistic locking, I found that if I apply locks at various sub-aggregation levels, I can allow my system to be highly concurrent instead of locking at the aggregate root level.

This is an effective The ddd method?

I don’t know “know”, but it sounds good to me – besides, who Responsible for deciding these things? When it comes to buzzwords and their application in a given implementation, the industry is full of subjectivity.

For me, the most important core principle of DDD is whether you apply the application Stay in the perspective of a business person and follow the ubiquitous language as much as possible. I can’t tell from your description, but you should be able to make good enough judgments.

Don’t pursue too much” “Perfect”, but the fact that you are trying to use DDD is admirable. If you do your best, you know that if you have the knowledge of it, I don’t see why it is an ineffective method.

Obviously, some people will disagree, but I will not be too rigid with myself. As long as you can review this implementation in a month or two and see if it can be done better, you may be fine. < /p>

In my project, I found that I need to break my aggregation in a hierarchical manner, using the highest root level aggregation, which ensures the consistency of the root level rules, and then My objects in the root directory can be subgrouped into various aggregations. When calculating the integrity of the root-level aggregation, the root verifies its own rules, and then delegates the root of the sub-aggregation to determine whether the sub-aggregation is valid.

In addition, in order to achieve optimistic locking, I found that if I apply locks at various sub-aggregation levels, I can allow my system to be highly concurrent instead of locking at the aggregate root level.

This is Is an effective ddd method?

I don’t know “know”, but it sounds good to me-besides, who is responsible for deciding these things? When it comes to buzzwords and their application in a given implementation, the industry is full of subjectivity.

For me, the most important core principle of DDD is whether you apply the application Stay in the perspective of a business person and follow the ubiquitous language as much as possible. I can’t tell from your description, but you should be able to make good enough judgments.

Don’t pursue too much” “Perfect”, but the fact that you are trying to use DDD is admirable. If you do your best, you know that if you have the knowledge of it, I don’t see why it is an ineffective method.

Obviously, some people will disagree, but I will not be too rigid with myself. As long as you can review this implementation in a month or two and see if it can be done better, you may be fine. < /p>

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