Agreement – Protocol Simulation Tool

My software development team recently discovered that they have implemented several different communication protocols for our products to achieve integration with various external products.

< p>Although each protocol is different, the implementation process is very similar. Here are some common things I have seen:

>Specific communication protocols are always defined in certain standard protocols (UDP, TCP / IP, Serial, CAN) and includes a set of messages passed from one side to the other. The structure of these messages is predefined and described by the protocol.
>The implementation of this protocol in our products is always from Start by writing C header files based on the information provided by the protocol.
>In order to allow the early integration cycle and test our code correctly, we always find ourselves developing simulators that implement our/their protocol.

< p>The question arises: Do you know any tools that can help us automate/simplify the above process?

Ideally, I would like a framework that allows me to do the following:

>Use some kind of editor/formal language to define the protocol
>in human readable Format: Export protocol definition to Doc/PDF
>Export protocol definition to C header file (and possibly other languages)
>Automatically (or semi-automatically) generate simulators for both communicating parties based on protocol definition

I would like to appreciate any help and/or suggestions.

Check out colored Petri nets; these are very It is easy to simulate complex protocols, and there are many simulation tools.

My software development team recently discovered that they have implemented several different communication protocols for our products to achieve communication with various external Product integration.

Although each protocol is different, the implementation process is very similar. Here are some common things I have seen:

>The specific communication protocol is always defined On top of some standard protocols (UDP, TCP/IP, serial, CAN) and include a set of messages passed from one side to the other. The structure of these messages is predefined and described by the protocol.
>Implementing this protocol in our products always starts with writing C header files based on the information provided by the protocol.
>In order to allow early integration cycles and properly test our code, we always find ourselves developing to implement us/them The simulator for the protocol.

The question arises: Do you know any tools that can help us automate/simplify the above process?

Ideally, I would like a framework that allows me to do the following:

>Use some kind of editor/formal language to define the protocol
>in human readable Format: Export protocol definition to Doc/PDF
>Export protocol definition to C header file (and possibly other languages)
>Automatically (or semi-automatically) generate simulators for both communicating parties based on protocol definition

I would like to appreciate any help and/or suggestions.

Check out colored Petri nets; these are easy to simulate complex protocols, and there are many simulation tools.

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