HeartBeat V2 Configuration LAMP HA Description and HB_GUI Tool Instructions

Regarding the heartbeat v2 version description, using the hb_gui window management tool, there will be a separate process mgmtd to test crm, which is responsible for crm work and monitors the tcp protocol on port 5560.
Title: Realize the combination of LAMP HA, It is required that wordpress is deployed, and any data in the article used for editing can work normally after the node is switched. (Two HA, One NFS)
1) Still using the previous HeartBeat V1 configuration, only needs to change ha.cf

vim /etc/ha.d/ha.cf

Add a line

crm respawn

2) Install the gui package

rpm-ivh heartbeat-gui-2.1.4-12.el6.x86_64.rpm


    3) 为登陆gui控制台添加用户名的密码,用户名已经/etc/passwd

echo sss |passwd --stdin hacluster

4) Operate on another NFS server
Share two directories for storing databases and wordpress documents respectively


Create two system users mysql and apache

groupadd -r -g 306 mysqluseradd -u 306 -g 306 mysql

< p> 5) Install the database mariadb on node1

mkdir/datamount -t nfs /data/datamkdir/data/mydata

Install the database, and put the database file in /data/mydata, prompting, there is a script for installing mariadb in front, no explanation
Create database

MariaDB[(none)]> CREATE DATABASE wordpress;MariaDB[(none)]> GRANT ALL ON wordpress.* TO'wpadmin'@'172.16. %.%' ​​IDENTIFIED BY'wpadmin'; MariaDB [(none)]> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

6) Close the database mariadb on node1
Unmount the mounted directory umount /data< br> On node2

mkdir/datamount -t nfs

Install the database But you don’t need to initialize the database
Test whether the database is working properly

7) Install php and php-mysql

yuminstall PHP php-mysql -y  

8) Test if PHP can be connected to the database mount-t nfs

9) Install wordpress in the html_data directory of nfs

mv wp-config-sample.php wp-conf Ig.phpvim wp-config.php  


Figure 1: Define resources by growing



Figure 2: Uploaded mysql command file


Figure 3: Use colocation and order to constrain, instead of using groups

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