Log system from the unsuccessful building day transaction volume

Course download address: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1SZDjQKK6J24eFvgxElS1vA Extraction code: 6nlt

A large-scale transaction system, the transaction target price is streaming data, and the price is used Trigger transaction method, T+0 trading system (like stocks, futures, precious metals trading, etc.). The system needs to record a large amount of price data, transaction information, and order flow, and the system has extremely high performance requirements (sensitivity of up to milliseconds), so it is necessary to avoid the log service becoming a system performance bottleneck. Through the performance pressure test of several general-purpose logs (such as log4j, logback), and considering that they are relatively bloated as general-purpose logs, it was decided to adopt the log system developed by itself to support the system functions and performance requirements. Two months after the system was launched, the average daily turnover was 20 billion RMB, up to 44 billion RMB, and the peak turnover was 4,000 transactions per second. The system is very large, and the log system perfectly supports the log service. The modified log system includes the following features: double buffer queues, multiple flushing mechanisms, multiple RollingFile mechanisms, multiple log levels, hot loading, ultra-lightweight, guaranteed performance, and successfully used in a trading system with a daily transaction volume of tens of billions.

This course takes you from scratch to implement the log system modification, from which you can learn a lot of design ideas, coding skills, and advanced knowledge points. In the end, the system is a usable high-performance log system. The commercial value is extremely high. At the end of the course, a performance test will be done to let everyone see the real performance of the log system.

Course Directory:

Lesson 1: Introduction to the log system course. Class 2: Log constant design and implementation of the log system. Class 3: Configuration file design and read implementation and testing of the log system. Use Case Code Writing Class Hours 4: Configuration File Cache Design and Implementation of Log System Class Hours 5: Multi-level Configuration File Reading Design and Implementation of Log System Class Hours 6: Configuration File Dynamic Update and Loading Design and Implementation of Log System Class Hours 7: Log System Configuration File Dynamic Update Code Extraction Optimization Explained Class Hour 8: Constant Optimization of Log System Dynamic Acquisition of User Configuration Information Class Hour 9: Multiple Data Type Reading Implementation of Log System and Constant Class Optimization Class Hour 10: Log Double Buffer Queue Structure of Log System Design Explaining Class 11: Log Double Buffer Queue of Logging System to Realize Multiple Data Buffering Class 12: Logging System of Logging System Design of Multiple Flash Disk Mechanisms Class 13: Explaining Design of Log Management of Logging System Class Hours 14: Dual Logging System Detecting and constructing singleton log managementClass hour 15: Bytes and stack information tools of the log systemClass hour 16: Adding log information to the cache to realize the log system Class hour 17: Log management thread realization of the log system Class hour 18: Log output of the log system to a file Realization of class 19: Time tools of the log system to achieve class 20: 20, the split file realization of the log system class 21: the realization of the flashing trigger of the log system class 22: the multi-threaded asynchronous task of the log system and refreshing the log level class 23: Log system gracefully close the log realization class hour 24: log main class construction of log system class hour 25: log system hook handling exception exit class hour 26: log system effect test class hour 27: log system performance and throughput code development and system performance And throughput test

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