Performance – What is the dominance of texture memory in Windows Phone 8 application analysis?

I run application analysis in the store suite of my Windows Phone 8 application, I found that the application is not responding and marked in red, when I select the time range and perform detailed analysis , I found this “texture memory explicit native memory allocation is dominating”, with further search in Google I found that the FPS (frames per second) of the rendering thread and UI thread is lower than the required level which causes this.

What does it mean that texture memory is dominant?
How can I get rid of it?
What is the performance optimization technique to maintain the required FPS?
In addition, my layout is very simple, including a grid with a background image, a button and an app bar. And, when I navigate from a specific page to another page (for example from a.xaml) , The FPS used for the UI thread and the rendering thread is also lower than 10. When I navigate from all other pages to b.xaml and b.xaml to a.xaml) I did not encounter any problems. (c.xaml to a. xaml or c.xaml to b.xaml)

My second question is that I also get a warning that my UI is consuming too much battery (yes the UI is very bright), it is recommended Changing my color scheme
Does this really affect the store certification process? Are these two issues related to each other?
If someone with experience can help me, I will be very happy…

texture memory display Sexual native memory allocation dominates: this means your UI is resource intensive. For example you have a panoroma view with too mane items. But you say you have a very simple grid layout and background image. So I suspect that the background image is not as per the guidelines, I mean its size is too big.

UI consumes too much battery: usually Windows phones use amoled or similar displays. So some light colors Consume too much battery. It’s a good practice to consume battery reasonably. Although your application runs completely normal.

Running application analysis in the store suite, I found that the application is not responding and marked in red. When I select the time range and perform a detailed analysis, I found this “texture memory explicit native memory allocation is dominating”, with Google’s Searching further, I found that the FPS (frames per second) of the rendering thread and UI thread is lower than the required level, which leads to this.

What does it mean that texture memory is dominant?
How can I get rid of it?
What is the performance optimization technique to maintain the required FPS?
In addition, my layout is very simple, including a grid with a background image, a button and an app bar. And, when I navigate from a specific page to another page (for example from a.xaml) , The FPS used for the UI thread and the rendering thread is also lower than 10. When I navigate from all other pages to b.xaml and b.xaml to a.xaml) I did not encounter any problems. (c.xaml to a. xaml or c.xaml to b.xaml)

My second question is that I also get a warning that my UI is consuming too much battery (yes the UI is very bright), it is recommended Changing my color scheme
Does this really affect the store certification process? Are these two issues related to each other?
If someone with experience can help me, I will be very happy…

Texture memory dominates the explicit native memory allocation: this means Your UI is resource intensive. For example, you have a panoroma view with too mane items. But you say you have a very simple grid layout and background image. So I suspect that the background image is not as per the guidelines, I mean Its size is too big.

UI consumes too much battery: usually Windows phones use amoled or similar displays. So some light colors consume too much battery. Reasonable battery consumption is a very Good practice. Although your application runs completely normal.

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