Performance MongoDB Java driver

I use the mongodb java driver in my project to perform queries (find, aggregate, mapreduce,…) in a large collection (5 million documents)

The driver version is:

org.mongodb< /groupId>

My The problem is that when I use api find and some filters in java, the operation takes 15 seconds.

Iterable messageList = collection .find().filter(... some filters).sort(... fields);

// Find documents
for (Document message: messageList) {
// some code

I checked the mongo server log file and saw that the trace is a COMMAND instead of a QUERY:< /p>

2015-09-01T12:11:47.496+0200 I COMMAND [conn503] command b.$cmd command: count {count: “logs”, query: { timestamp: {$gte: new Date(1433109600000) }, aplicacion: “APP1”, event: “Event1”}} planSummary: IXSCAN {timestamp: 1, aplicacion: 1} keyUpdates:0 writeConflicts:0 numYields:19089 reslen:44 locks:{ Glob al: {acquireCount: {r: 19090} }, MMAPV1Journal: {acquireCount: {r: 19090} }, Database: {acquireCount: {r: 19090} }, Collection: {acquireCount: {R: 19090}}} 14297ms< /p>

If I run the same query from the mongodb client (Robomongo), it takes 0.05 milliseconds.

db.getCollection('logs' ).find({ timestamp: {$gte: new Date(1427839200000) }, aplicacion: "APP1", event: "Event1" })

and QUERY in the server log

< p>All queries (lookup, aggregation,…) made using driver java commands will be converted? Performance is much worse than mongo shell.

I think the problem is when you run the query in the mongo shell , It only returns the first 20 results at a time, here you are trying to read all documents and put them in an array

Try this query and see

list messageList = collection.find(filter).sort(… field).limit(20).into(new ArrayList());

It is strongly recommended to create an index on the query field.

I use the mongodb java driver in my project to execute queries (find, aggregate, mapreduce,…) in a large collection (5 million documents)

< p>The driver version is:


My question is When I use api find and some filters in java, the operation takes 15 seconds.

Iterable messageList = collection.find ().filter(... some filters).sort(... fields);

// Find documents
for (Document message: messageList) {
.. ..
// some code

I checked the mongo server log file and saw that the trace is a COMMAND instead of a QUERY:

2015-09-01T12:11:47.496+0200 I COMMAND [conn5 03] command b.$cmd command: count {count: “logs”, query: {timestamp: {$gte: new Date(1433109600000) }, aplicacion: “APP1”, event: “Event1”}} planSummary: IXSCAN { timestamp: 1, aplicacion: 1} keyUpdates:0 writeConflicts:0 numYields:19089 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: {acquireCount: {r: 19090} }, MMAPV1Journal: {acquireCount: {r: 19090} }, Database: { acquireCount: {r: 19090} }, Collection: {acquireCount: {R: 19090}}} 14297ms

If I run the same query from the mongodb client (Robomongo), I need 0.05 Milliseconds.

db.getCollection('logs').find({ timestamp: {$gte: new Date(1427839200000) }, aplicacion: "APP1", event: " Event1" })

and QUERY in the server log

All queries (find, aggregate,…) made using the driver java command will be converted? Performance is much worse than mongo shell.

I think the problem is that when you run a query in mongo shell, it only returns the first 20 results at a time, here You are trying to read all documents and put them into an array

Try this query and see

List messageList = collection.find(filter).sort(… field).limit(20).into(new ArrayList());

It is strongly recommended to create an index on the query field.

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