Performance “Home Brew” STL?

According to that Article, STL is not suitable for game development.
What is your opinion on this?

My current approach is:
Use STL, if it causes performance problems, exchange with homebrew container (or allocator) (it hasn’t come yet, but I’m not making a high-end 3D game ;))

In this case, your method is the only reasonable choice. Optimization rule #1 Is “unless you know exactly where the bottleneck is, don’t optimize”.

You should still be able to swap containers relatively easily in the future, especially if you use types defined by typedef instead of Use the STL container directly. I mean:


typedef std::vector MyIntVectorType;

int main()
MyIntVectorType theVector;
} .org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2007/n2271.html

According to that article, STL is not suitable for game development.
What is your opinion?

My current approach is:
Use STL, if it causes performance problems, exchange with homebrew container (or allocator) (it hasn’t come yet, but I’m not making a high-end 3D game ;))

In this case, your method is the only reasonable choice. Optimization rule #1 is “unless you know exactly where the bottleneck is, don’t Optimize”.

You should still be able to swap containers relatively easily in the future, especially if you use types defined through typedefs instead of directly using STL containers. I mean:



typedef std::vector MyIntVectorType;

int main()
MyIntVectorType theVector;

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