Second, retrieve the symbol select, order by, Where

Introduce how to use the SELECT statement to retrieve one or more data columns from a table
Chapter Two : SELECT statement
SQL statements can be given on one line or divided into many It is easier to debug by dividing it into multiple lines.
Multiple SQL statements must be separated by semicolons. Most DBMSs do not need to add a semicolon after a single SQL statement. However, a specific DBMS may have to add a semicolon after a single SQL statement.
SQL statements are not case sensitive
Example: kedou_jifen.jf_adjust
Retrieve a single column:
SELECT member_id FROM jf_adjust; —“Retrieve the name column from the city table
Search multiple columns:
To retrieve multiple columns from a table, use the same SELECT statement. The only difference is that multiple column names must be given after the SELECT keyword, and the column names must be separated by commas.
When selecting multiple columns, be sure to add a comma between the column names, and after the last column name No, if a comma is added after the last column name, an error will occur.
SELECT member_id,member_name,type
FROM jf_adjust;
SQL statements generally return raw, unformatted data. Data formatting is a presentation problem, not a retrieval problem.
So “representation” is generally specified in the application that displays the data.
In general, the actual retrieved data is rarely used (there is no format provided by the application)

Retrieve all columns
In addition to specifying the required columns (as mentioned above, one or more columns ), the SELECT statement can also retrieve all the columns without having to list them one by one.
This can be achieved by using the asterisk (*) wildcard in the actual column name.
SELECT * FROM jf_adjust;
Given a wildcard, all columns in the table are returned. The order of the columns is generally the physical order in which the columns appear in the table definition.
But SQL data rarely does this (usually, the data is returned to an application that is formatted or represented as needed )
Chapter 3: Sorting and Retrieving Data
Introduce how to use the ORDER BY clause of the SELECT statement to sort the retrieved data as needed.
3.1 Sorting data
SELECT member_id
FROM jf_adjust;
This SQL statement search returns a single column of a database table, and the output is in no particular order .
The retrieved data is not displayed in a purely random manner. If the data is not sorted, it will generally be displayed in the order in which it appears in the underlying table.
This can be the order in which the data was initially added to the table. However, if the data is updated or deleted later, this sequence will be affected by the DBMS reuse and reclaim storage space.
Therefore, you cannot (and should not) rely on this sort order if you don’t explicitly control it.
Relational database design theory believes that if the sort order is not clearly specified, it should not be assumed that the order of the retrieved data is significance.
Clause: SQL statement consists of clauses, some clauses are required, and some are optional. A clause usually consists of a keyword plus the provided data.
For example: FROM clause of SELECT statement
In order to clearly sort the data retrieved by the SELECT statement, you can use the ORDER BY clause
ORDER BY clause takes one or more column names, and sorts the output accordingly.
SELECT member_name FROM jf_adjust ORDER BY member_name;
This statement instructs the DBMS software to respond to member_name column sorts data in alphabetical order, except for the ORDER BY clause, which is the same as the previous statement.
The position of the ORDER BY clause: When specifying an ORDER BY clause, you should ensure that it is the last clause in the SELECT statement. If the order of the clauses is incorrect, an error message will appear.
Sort by non-selected columns: usually the columns used in the ORDER BY clause will be selected for display Columns, but in fact, this is not necessarily the case. It is completely legal to sort data with non-retrieved columns.e
3.2 Sort by multiple columns
It is often necessary to sort data by more than one column.
For example, if you want to display a list of employees, you may want to sort by first and last name ( Sort by last name first, and then sort by first name in each last name).
This is useful if multiple employees have the same last name.
In order to sort by multiple columns, simply specify the column name, between the column names Separate by commas (just like you do when selecting multiple columns)
SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods ORDER BY member_name, expend_date;
< /div>

This line of code retrieves three columns and sorts the results by two of them —— first by member name , And then sort by date of consumption.
It is important to understand that when sorting by multiple columns, the sorting order is exactly as specified.
For the output in the above example, expend_date is only pressed on the order when multiple lines contain the same member name The consumption date is sorted.
If all values ​​in the member_name column If they are unique, they will not be sorted by expend_date.
3.3 Sort by column position
In addition to specifying the sort order by column name, ORDER BY also supports sorting by relative column position.
SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods ORDER BY 2, 3;
The output of this line of code is the same as the query above. The difference lies in the ORDER BY clause. The SELECT list specifies the relative position of the selected column instead of the column name.
ORDER BY 2 means to sort by the second column member_name of SELECT order_no, member_name, and expend_date in the SELECT list.
ORDER BY 2, 3 means first Sort by member_name, then press expend_date.
The main advantage of this technique is that there is no need to re-enter column names. The disadvantages are:
Firstly, not clearly giving the column name increases the possibility of incorrectly sorting by column name.
Secondly, it is easy to sort the data incorrectly when making changes to the SELECT list
Finally, if the column to be sorted is not in the SELECT list, obviously this technique cannot be used
< span style="font-family:'Microsoft YaHei';">
3.4 Specify sort Direction
Data sorting is not limited to ascending sorting (from A to Z). This is just the default sort order. You can also use the ORDER BY clause to sort in descending order (from Z to A).
In order to sort in descending order, the DESC keyword must be specified.
SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods ORDER BY expend_date DESC;< /span>
This SQL statement is sorted in descending order of consumption date

< div>

Multi-column sorting in descending order:
SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods ORDER BY expend_date DESC,member_name;
The DESC keyword is only applied to the column name directly in front of it. Only the expend_date column is sorted in descending order, while the member_name column (within the same date) is still sorted in the standard ascending order
Sort in descending order on multiple columns: If you want to sort in descending order on multiple columns, you must specify the DESC keyword for each column.
DESC is the abbreviation of DESCENDING, and both keywords can be used.
The opposite of DESC is ASC (or ASCENDING), which can be specified when sorting in ascending order. But in fact, ASC is not very useful, because ascending order is the default

< div> Case-sensitive and sort order:

In the dictionary sort order, A is considered the same as a, which is the default behavior of most database management systems.
But many DBMSs allow database administrators to change this behavior when needed (if your database contains a large number of foreign language characters , You may have to do this)
If you really need to change this sort order urgently, use a simple ORDER BY clause Can’t do it. You must ask the database administrator for help.
Remember: the ORDER BY clause must be the last clause in the SELECT statement.
Chapter 4: Filtering data
Introduce how to use the WHERE clause in the SELECT statement to specify search conditions
< /span>
4.1 Use WHERE clause
To retrieve only the required data, you need to formulate search conditions, which are also called filter conditions.
In the SELECT statement, the data is filtered according to the search criteria specified in the WHERE clause. The WHERE clause is given after the table name (FROM clause).
SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods WHERE member_name=’lvyuping’;
SQL filtering and application filtering: data can also be filtered at the application layer. The SQL SELECT statement retrieves more data than actually needed for the client application, and then the client code loops the returned data,
to extract the required rows. This realization allows the client application to process the database will greatly affect the performance of the application, and make the created application completely non-scalable.
In addition, if the data is filtered on the client, the server has to send excess data over the network, which will cause the network Waste of bandwidth.
When using ORDER BY and WHERE clauses at the same time, ORDER BY should be placed after WHERE, otherwise an error will occur.
4.2 WHERE clause operator
The WHERE child of SQL The sentence supports all the conditional operators listed below:
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Check a single value:

SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods WHERE expend_date> 2017-10-27;

List all orders with an order date greater than ‘2017-10-27 10:36:26
Mismatch check:
< strong>SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods WHERE member_name!=’kedou’;
< span style="font-family:'Microsoft YaHei';">SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods WHERE member_name<>‘kedou’;
List all orders in the “kedou” part of the order member name
Single quotation mark: Single quotation mark is used to limit the string, if it is a value, no quotation mark is needed

< div>

Range value check:
To retrieve the value of a certain range, you can use the BETWEEN operation symbol.
SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods WHERE expend_date BETWEEN ‘2016-07-18 19:20 :23’ AND ‘2016-07-19 10:45:36’;
Search SQL The statement summarizes all orders in this time period
Null value check:
In When creating a table, the table designer can specify whether the columns can contain no values. When a column does not contain a value, it is said to contain a null value NULL
NULL: no value, and the field contains 0. The empty string or only contains spaces are different
The IS NULL clause of the WHERE clause can be used to check the NULL value column
SELECT order_no,member_name ,success_date FROM expend_goods WHERE success_date IS NULL;
Search out< span style="color: #000000;"> success_date IS NULL column with empty fields
Chapter 5: Advanced data filtering
Introduce how to combine WHERE clauses to create stronger functions Advanced search conditions, learn how to use NOT and IN operators
5.1 Combination WHERE clause < /div>

For stronger filtering, SQL allows multiple WHERE clauses to be given. These clauses are used in two ways, the AND clause and the OR clause.
Operator: a keyword used to link or change the clauses in the WHERE clause. Also known as logical operator
5.1.1 AND operator: < /div>

In order to filter by more than one column, you can use the AND operator to add conditions to the WHERE clause

< div> SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods WHERE member_name=’kedou’ AND expend_date=’2016-07-16 17:14:25′;< /strong>

< /strong>
5.1.2 OR operator:
The keywords used in the WHERE clause are used to search for rows that match any given condition.
Many DBMS does not calculate the second condition when the first condition of the OR WHERE clause is met (When the first condition is met, regardless of whether the second condition is met, the corresponding row will be retrieved)
SELECT member_name,goods_name,success_date FROM expend_goods WHERE member_name=’kedou’ OR goods_name=’physical points + amount’;
When the first condition is met, regardless of whether the second condition is met, the corresponding row will be retrieved
5.1.3 Calculation order:
The WHERE clause can contain any number of AND and OR Operator. Allow the two to be combined for complex and advanced filtering.
SQL prioritizes the AND operator before processing the OR operator. Since AND has a higher precedence in the calculation order, the operators are incorrectly combined.
Use parentheses to clearly group the corresponding operators
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< span style="color: #ff0000; font-family:'Microsoft YaHei';">Whenever you use a WHERE clause with AND and OR operators, you should use parentheses to clearly group operators.
5.2 IN operator
IN—“The keyword used in the WHERE clause to specify the list of values ​​to be matched, the function is equivalent to OR
< span style="font-family:'Microsoft YaHei';">IN operator is used to specify the range of conditions, and each condition in the range can be matched. A comma-separated list of legal values ​​for IN, all enclosed in parentheses.
SELECT activity_id,activity_name,member_name FROM user_activity WHERE member_name IN (‘lvyuping’,’lvyupinglxx’)ORDER BY activity_id;
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IN operator and OR operator complete the same function, the advantages of using IN operator:
When using a long list of legal options, the syntax of the IN operator is clearer and more intuitive.
When using IN, the order of calculation is easier to manage (because fewer operators are used).
IN operators generally perform faster than OR operator lists.
The biggest advantage of IN is that it can contain other SELECT statements, which makes it possible to create WHERE clauses more dynamically.
5.3 NOT operator
NOT–“The keyword used to negate the condition followed by the WHERE clause
SELECT activity_id,activity_name,member_name FROM user_activity WHERE NOT member_name IN (‘lvyuping’,’lvyupinglxx’)ORDER BY activity_id;
list except lvyuping’,’ lvyupinglxx The activity id, activity name, user name of all user activities outside the two users, sorted by activity id
MYSQL does not support this NOT format, in MYSQL , NOT is only used to negate EXISTS (such as NOT EXISTS)
Sixth Chapter uses wildcards to filter
This chapter introduces what wildcards are, how to use wildcards, and How to use the LIKE operator to perform a wildcard search for complex filtering of data
6.1 LIKE operator
Using wildcards can create search patterns that compare specific data.
Wildcard: a special character used to match part of a value < /div>

Search mode: search criteria consisting of literal values, wildcards, or a combination of both
The wildcard itself is actually a character with special meaning in the WHERE clause of SQL. SQL supports several wildcards. In order to use wildcards in search clauses, you must use the LIKE operator
LIKE indicates the DBMS, followed by the search mode use Wildcard matching instead of direct equality matching for comparison
Predicate: LIKE is a predicate rather than an operator. Operators are not operators when used as predicates
Wildcard search can only be used for text Field, non-text data type fields cannot use wildcard search
6.1.1 Percent sign (%) wildcard
The most commonly used wildcard is the percent sign (%). In the search string,% means any character appears any number of times.
SELECT activity_id,activity_name,member_name FROM user_activity WHERE member_name LIKE’lv%’;
Retrieve any username starting with lv
Case-sensitive: According to the different DBMS and its configuration, the search can be case-sensitive.
Wildcards can be used anywhere in the search pattern, and multiple wildcards can be used.
SELECT activity_id,activity_name,member_name FROM user_activity WHERE member_name LIKE’%l%’; < /span>
–》LIKE’%l%’; means to match any value that contains the text l, no matter before or after What characters appear
6.1.2 Underscore (_) wildcard
underscore wildcard is the same as %, but the underscore only matches a single character instead of multiple characters.
SELECT activity_id,activity_name,member_name FROM user_activity WHERE member_name LIKE ‘___upinglxx’;
LIKE ‘___upinglxx’; 一个下划线_ 匹配一个字符,此处匹配三个字符

6.1.3 方括号【】通配符
第七章 创建计算字段
7.1 计算字段
客户机与服务器的格式 :可在SQL语句内完成的许多转换和格式化工作都可以直接在客户机应用程序内按成。但一般来说,在数据库服务器上完成这些操作比在客户机中
7.2 拼接字段



第二章: SELECT语句


多条SQL语句必须以分号 分隔。多数DBMS不需要在单条SQL语句后加分号。但特定的DBMS可能必须在单条SQL语句后加上分号。





SELECT member_id FROM jf_adjust; —》从city表中检索name列






SELECT member_id,member_name,type

FROM jf_adjust;









SELECT * FROM jf_adjust;





介绍如何使用SELECT语句的ORDER BY子句,根据需要排序检索出的数据。

3.1 排序数据

SELECT member_id

FROM jf_adjust;









为了明确的排序用SELECT语句检索出的数据,可使用ORDER BY子句

ORDER BY子句取一个或多个列的名字,据此对输出进行排序。

SELECT member_name FROM jf_adjust ORDER BY member_name;

这条语句除了指示DBMS软件对 member_name 列以字母顺序排序数据的 ORDER BY 子句外,与前面的语句相同。


ORDER BY子句的位置:在指定一条ORDER BY 子句时,应保证它是SELECT语句中最后一条子句。该子句的次序不对将会出现错误消息。

通过非选择列进行排序 :通常 ORDER BY 子句中使用的列将是为显示所选择的列,但是,实际上并不一定要这样,用非检索的列排序数据是完全合法的e


3.2 按多个列排序





SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods ORDER BY member_name, expend_date;





如果 member_name 列中所有的值都是唯一的,则不会按 expend_date 排序。


 3.3 按列位置排序

除了能用列名指定排序顺序外,ORDER BY还支持按相对列位置进行排序。

SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods ORDER BY 2, 3;

这行代码的输出与上面的查询相同。不同在于ORDER BY子句。 SELECT清单中指定的是选择列的相对位置而不是列名。

ORDER BY 2表示按SELECT清单中SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date第二个列member_name 进行排序。

ORDER BY 2, 3 表示先按 member_name,再按 expend_date 进行排序。






3.4 指定排序方向

数据排序不限于升序排序(从A到Z)。这只是默认的排序顺序,还可以使用 ORDER BY子句以降序(从Z到A)顺序排序。


SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods ORDER BY expend_date DESC;




SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods ORDER BY expend_date DESC,member_name;

DESC关键字只应用到直接位于其前面的列名。只对 expend_date 列以降序排序,而member_name列(在相同的日期内)仍然按标准的升序排序


DESC 为 DESCENDING 的缩写,这两个关键字都可以使用。






如果确实急需要改变这种排序顺序,用简单的ORDER BY子句做不到。必须请求数据库管理员帮助。


切记:ORDER BY 子句必须是SELECT语句中的最后一条子句。





4.1 使用WHERE子句


在SELECT语句中,数据根据WHERE子句中指定的搜索条件进行过滤。 WHERE子句在表名(FROM子句)之后给出。

SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods WHERE member_name=‘lvyuping‘;


SQL过滤与应用过滤:数据也可以在应用层过滤。 SQL的SELECT语句为客户机应用检索出超过实际所需的数据,然后客户机代码对返回数据进行循环,




在同时使用ORDER BY 和 WHERE 子句时,应该让ORDER BY位于 WHERE之后,否则将会产生错误。


4.2 WHERE子句操作符








SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods WHERE expend_date> 2017-10-27;

列出订单日期大于‘2017-10-27 10:36:26的所有订单


SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods WHERE member_name!=‘kedou‘;

SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods WHERE member_name<>‘kedou‘;





检索某个范围的值可以用 BETWEEN 操作符。

SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods WHERE expend_date BETWEEN ‘2016-07-18 19:20:23‘ AND ‘2016-07-19 10:45:36‘;






WHERE 子句的 IS NULL 子句可以用来检查具有NULL值的列

SELECT order_no,member_name,success_date FROM expend_goods WHERE success_date IS NULL;

检索出 success_date IS NULL 字段为空的列




5.1 组合WHERE子句




5.1.1 AND操作符:


SELECT order_no,member_name,expend_date FROM expend_goods WHERE member_name=‘kedou‘ AND expend_date=‘2016-07-16 17:14:25‘;


5.1.2 OR操作符:


许多DBMS在OR WHERE 子句的第一个条件满足的情况下,不在计算第二个条件(在第一个条件满足时,不管第二个条件是否满足,相应的行都将被检索出来)

SELECT member_name,goods_name,success_date FROM expend_goods WHERE member_name=‘kedou‘ OR goods_name=‘实物类积分+金额‘;



5.1.3 计算次序:










5.2 IN操作符


IN操作符用来指定条件范围,范围中的每个条件都可以进行匹配。 IN取合法值的由逗号分隔的清单,全都扩在圆括号中。

SELECT activity_id,activity_name,member_name FROM user_activity WHERE member_name IN (‘lvyuping‘,‘lvyupinglxx‘)ORDER BY activity_id;










5.3 NOT操作符


SELECT activity_id,activity_name,member_name FROM user_activity WHERE NOT member_name IN (‘lvyuping‘,‘lvyupinglxx‘)ORDER BY activity_id;

列出除了lvyuping‘,‘lvyupinglxx 两个用户外的所有用户活动的活动id,活动名称,用户名称,并按照活动id进行排序




第六章 用通配符进行过滤



6.1 LIKE操作符










6.1.1 百分号(%)通配符


SELECT activity_id,activity_name,member_name FROM user_activity WHERE member_name LIKE ‘lv%‘;





SELECT activity_id,activity_name,member_name FROM user_activity WHERE member_name LIKE ‘%l%‘;

–》LIKE ‘%l%‘; 表示匹配任何位置包含文本 l 的值,不论之前或之后出现什么字符


6.1.2 下划线(_)通配符



SELECT activity_id,activity_name,member_name FROM user_activity WHERE member_name LIKE ‘___upinglxx‘;

LIKE ‘___upinglxx‘; 一个下划线_ 匹配一个字符,此处匹配三个字符


6.1.3 方括号【】通配符










第七章 创建计算字段

7.1 计算字段





客户机与服务器的格式 :可在SQL语句内完成的许多转换和格式化工作都可以直接在客户机应用程序内按成。但一般来说,在数据库服务器上完成这些操作比在客户机中



7.2 拼接字段













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