Retrieve data attribute values ​​for jQuery collection elements

This applies to the first game:

var attributeValue = $({selector}).data("myAttribute ");

But if I want to get the matching values ​​of all element selectors, I will do the following:

var attributes = [];< br />$.each($({selector})), function(k,v) {attributes.push($(v).data("myAttribute")); });

This It feels silly. Is there an easier way to get the data of all elements?

I don’t think there is a built-in way to make the array you want. But you can use $().map() to simplify the code.

var attributes = $({selector}).map( function( i, element) {
return $(element).data('myAttribute' );

Or, if this may be used in multiple places, you can set it as a plugin:

$.fn.dataArray = function( name) {
return function( i, element) {
return $(element).data( name );

and call it with this very simple code:

var attributes = $({selector}).dataArray('myAttribute' );

This applies to the first game:

var attributeValue = $({selector}).data("myAttribute");

But if I want to get the matching value of all element selectors, I will do the following:

var attributes = [];
$.each($({selector})), function(k,v) {attributes.push($(v).data ("myAttribute")); });

This feels silly. Is there an easier way to get the data of all elements?

I don’t think there is a built-in method to make the array you want. But you can use $().map() to simplify the code. < p>

var attributes = $({selector}).map( function( i, element) {
return $(element).data('myAttribute' );

Or, if this may be used in multiple places, you can set it as a plug-in:

$ .fn.dataArray = function( name) {
return function( i, element) {
return $(element).data( name );

And use this very simple code to call it:

var attributes = $({selector}).dataArray('myAttribute' );

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