Ma Yun offends the full text of the speech

Here is the full text of Jack Ma’s speech:

   Thank you all for coming. I really didn’t expect that after waiting for this day for 10 years, it came so fast and so beautiful. Thanks to all those who helped, supported, and trusted Alibaba. Thanks to all the employees and friends of Alibaba. Thank you for this great. Times, thanks to this country, thanks to this amazing city.

   is actually below When I watched it, I discovered that Ali is a very powerful company. Perhaps there are few companies in the world that perform such professional theatrical performances. Many people think that we are professionally engaged in theatrical performances. This is our value. Not only do we do a good job, we want to play well, we want to live, thank you everyone, our party has been like this for 18 years, and we have made more and more progress in 18 years. I hope that in 30 years, we can bring it to the world. More exciting.

   15 years ago At that time, Alibaba decided to build this company for 102 years, spanning three centuries. At that time, I was thinking about a question, how can it be done? Many people regard the company’s vision as a slogan and slogan. They may not believe it, but Ali wants us to believe it and ensure that it can be realized. At that time, I began to think about how to pass it on and think about it with the system. We visited many companies. There are basically two paths in the world, handing over to the next generation or handing over the company to professional managers. Few people have the third path to try, but we think this is the right path. We should discover, cultivate and support the new leadership team, and use culture, systems, and talents to ensure the company’s inheritance.

   for this day , I have carefully prepared for 10 years, thank you to all Alibaba management, leadership, employees and colleagues, shareholders and directors for their trust. This is not a whim, let alone pressure. There are still rumors on the Internet that are what I fear. In the past 20 years, Ali people have never been afraid. We have only been in awe of the future, and we have never been afraid of the future. Ten years ago, I proposed that I would leave the position of chairman. My colleagues thought it was a joke, because I was only 45 years old at that time. But we did it today. There are many entrepreneurs and friends here today, and there are also many Ali people. We have a hope, like the Ali people here, 30 years later, we will export at least 1,000 Ali people who have been over 10 years old to the society every year. , They should participate in the construction of society, they go to various companies, but everyone remember, if one day you also hope to use the system, culture and people to ensure the inheritance of our company, you should at least start thinking about it today. At least 10 years of preparation.

   today is not Ma Yun Retirement is the beginning of the inheritance of the system. Today is not a choice of one person, but the success of a system. Thank you Chinese entrepreneur friends again, Chinese entrepreneurs for their hard work, thank Ali for your hard work, let us have today, thank you all.

   Today’s World , Is developing rapidly, with various complex changes. This change, whether you like it or not, will affect everyone. The challenges of globalization, the various anxiety caused by new technologies, the deterioration of the environment… all kinds of changes are sending a signal, and this signal is that a new era is coming soon.

  All today Worry, anxiety and confusion, I think it is the pain before the arrival of a new era. The world will undergo earth-shaking changes in the next 30 years. This technological revolution is the most profound change in human history. Because the impact of the technological revolution far exceeds everyone’s imagination. This technological revolution is the most profound change that will take place in the history of mankind. Whether it is artificial intelligence or big data, or the fast-entering 5G and IoT era, all of these hope to solve the three problems of mankind: sustainable development, inclusiveness and altruism. If the world cannot achieve sustainable development, the world cannot achieve universal benefits, technology, finance, opportunities, and opportunities cannot be achieved to make others better, the world will become increasingly chaotic. If technology cannot solve these problems, technology is meaningless. Without solving these problems, I believe the world will be full of contradictions.

   If past 20 Years are 20 years for Internet companies, so the next 30 years are 30 years for making good use of Internet technology. This Internet age is an opportunity for everyone, only if you are willing to change yourself, all the pains can only be accomplished by changing yourself. Don’t try to change others, each of us must step out of yesterday’s self. In the future world, if you want to succeed, your business wants to succeed, and you personally want to succeed, then you must remember that you must not only think for yourself, but for others, for the world, and for the future.

   past 20 years , Some people say Jack Ma, you are lucky. In fact, it is wrong. Ali has made no fewer mistakes than any other company, but we have also made many important choices. Every major decision has never been based on commercial interests. All decisions made in the past 20 years have nothing to do with money. We are thinking, investing and technology, whether it is consistent with our values ​​and vision. From 20 years ago to the present, all important decisions of Alibaba have nothing to do with money, but with solving social problems, with mission, vision and values. It is not easy for Ali people to make business decisions, but the choice of values ​​is even more painful. In the past 20 years, we have often been doubted and challenged, but we have no doubts about ourselves and the future. Some people even say that we will never repent. Ali people, we obviously have a good way to go, but we choose the way no one has walked, but we must go.

  Because Ali does not Willing to be a mediocre company that can only make money. Remember in the future, we never want to become a mediocre company that just wants to make money. Our goal is never to defeat the opponent, but to bring better changes to the world. We also don’t want or want to become a powerful company. We only hope that we are a good company in society, in the world, in the hearts of the people and users. It is more difficult to be a good company than to become a strong company. A strong company is determined by its commercial capabilities. A good company is responsible, responsible, and kind. Over the past 20 years, the society has given us the best talent, the best technology, the most resources, and the opportunity to develop technology, but this is not an asset to show off, but the society’s huge trust in us. Each of us will say gratitude, and everyone is saying gratitude, but I hope that the best way for Ali people to be grateful for the trust of the society is to use actions to bring surprises to the society. I hope that in the next 20 years, our responsibility is to make good use of these resources, talents and technologies to make the world greener, inclusive and sustainable, and at the same time make our world softer and warmer.

   Opportunities in China Very powerful, very few countries with a population of 1.4 billion; very few countries with unified commercial infrastructure; very few countries, and almost any province has a population larger than the population of a European country many. The biggest opportunity for our country to solve the economy lies in the development of domestic demand. If China’s domestic demand is developed, not only will China’s economy rise, but the world’s economy will rise too. The rise of domestic demand depends on the market economy, not government means. Ali people, what we are doing today, whether it is new retail, new manufacturing, new consumption towards the future, China’s domestic demand is not doing well, Ali is responsible, and China’s domestic demand is doing well, and it has nothing to do with Ali. There is also a huge opportunity for the new globalization. Today we Chinese are very confident, but our view of ourselves is so different from the world’s view of us. The world is afraid of China, technology, and powerful companies.

  Technology for people It brings hope, not despair. We hope that Alibaba will participate in a new round of globalization in the future, bringing opportunities to the world, helping small and medium-sized enterprises all over the world sell goods, helping small people all over the world obtain financial support, so that goods from all over the world can be exchanged. The world. We hope that in technology, Alibaba has now become a technology company. The power of technology lies in the value it brings to society and the warmth it brings to mankind. Alibaba Cloud, Dharma Academy, and all the technical departments and technicians of Alibaba use their abilities and imagination to bring opportunities to the world. Technology must be good, and we must also understand that with a population of 1.4 billion, manufacturing will not bring much employment to China. The huge challenge for China in the future is employment. It is Ali people who vigorously develop the modern service industry and develop more service industries that can create jobs. Today, the resources, talents and technology you have should go all out. Only by taking up these really important issues can we go for 102 years. The future of Ali is not to prove that we can make 102 years of money, but we have to prove that we are willing to take responsibility for 102 years. Only by taking responsibility for 102 years can we make money for 102 years.

   As for myself , I think of myself very clearly. Many years ago, when I first started working as Alibaba, I had the opportunity to go to the Greenwich Observatory. Someone told me that the solar system was there and I didn’t find the solar system. Another said, you said the earth is there, but I didn’t find the earth either. . In the Milky Way universe, I did not find the earth. Wherever we people are on the earth, we are nothing. At that moment, I understood that in this world, we are nobody, life is not what you have achieved, but what you have experienced. The world is so beautiful, there are so many things, I want to experience and try them, and there are still so bad, wrong things, unsatisfactory places in the world, I feel that I am going to toss and toss. In 2013, I left the position of CEO. I thought I would not be so busy. I thought it would be a lot easier to be the chairman. Unexpectedly, I was busier than before in the past six years. Not being the chairman of Alibaba does not mean that I retire. I will not stop. Alibaba is just one of my many dreams. I think I am still very young. I think I have many places I want to play. I want to play and toss. I have been doing many things, such as education, public welfare, and environmental protection, but I think I can do better and spend more time. Maybe this is what I should do.

   has passed today In the evening, I am about to start a new life. I am not the chairman. I really believe that the world is so good, there are so many opportunities, and I love the excitement so much. Where can I be willing to retire at such a young age. I hope to see you in a different situation, the green hills will not change, the green water will flow long, there will be a period later.

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