Efficient use of search engines

1) intitle

This search command is to tell the search engine , The title of the search result must contain the keywords you entered.

Otherwise, sometimes your search page will also include the keywords you entered.

2)Keyword A -Keyword B

This search command is to tell the search engine that the search result cannot contain the keyword B. When using this command, a space must be added after the keyword A.

650) this.width=650;” title=”guanjianci.jpg” style=”float:none;” alt=”wKioL1nB5qXSVB__AAEu3znzC_c031.jpg-wh_50″ src=” /wp-content/uploadshttp:/img.voidcn.com/vcimg/static/loading.png” d=”14559124″ s=”3cd_130″ t=”jpg”>

3) filetype: file format keywords

This search command is to tell the search engine that the results will only show links whose keywords are in a certain file format.

4) site:URL p>

This search command is to tell search engines to search for this keyword only on this website.

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