Table Each subclass inheritance mapping by NHibernate mapping code

How to write the mapping in the new NHibernate Mapping-By-Code for each subclass strategy of this class:

public class Person
public virtual int Id {get; set; }
public virtual string Name {get; set; }

public class JuridicalPerson: Person
public virtual int Id {get; set; }
public virtual string LegalName {get; set; }

public class PrivatePerson: Person
public virtual int Id {get; set; }
public virtual bool Sex {get; set; }

This is a slightly abbreviated possible mapping

public class PersonMapping: ClassMapping
public PersonMapping()
Id(x => x.Id, m = > m.Generator(Generators.Native));
Property(x => x.Name);

public class JuridicalPersonMapping: JoinedSubclassMapping
public JuridicalPersonMapping()
Key(m => m.Column("person_id"));
Property(x => x.LegalName);

public class PrivatePersonMapping: JoinedSubclassMapping
public PrivatePersonMapping()
{< br /> Table("private_person");
Key(m => m.Column("person_id"));
Property(x => x.Sex);

You do not need to copy the Id attribute declaration in the derived class. It inherits from the parent class Person.

How to use this class Write the mapping in the new NHibernate Mapping-By-Code for each subclass strategy:

public class Person
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual string Name {get; set; }

public class JuridicalPerson: Person
public virtual int Id {get; set; }
public virtual string LegalName {get; set; }

public class PrivatePerson: Person
public virtual int Id {get; set; }
public virtual bool Sex {get; set; }

This is a slightly abbreviated form of possible mapping

< p>

public class PersonMapping: ClassMapping
public PersonMapping()
Id(x => x.Id, m => m.Generator(Generators.Native));
Property(x => x.Name);

public class JuridicalPersonMapping: JoinedSubclassMapping
public JuridicalPersonMapping()
Key(m => m.Column("person_id"));
Property(x => x.LegalName);

public class PrivatePersonMapping: JoinedSubclassMapping
public PrivatePersonMapping()
Key(m => m.Column("person_id"));
Property(x => x.Sex);

You do not need to copy the declaration of the Id property in the derived class. It inherits from the parent class Person.< /p>

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