Distributed algorithm (transfer)



< p>  raft is a distributed protocol with strong consistency, decentralization and high availability widely used in engineering. It is emphasized here that it is in engineering, because in the academic and theoretical circles, the most dazzling is the famous Paxos. But Paxos is: a small number of people who really understand find it simple, those who don’t understand it find it difficult, and most people have a little understanding. I also spent a lot of time, read a lot of materials and didn’t really understand it. Until they saw raft’s paper, the two researchers also mentioned that they also spent a long time to understand Paxos. They also found it difficult to understand, so they developed the raft algorithm.

   raft is a consensus algorithm. The so-called consensus means that multiple nodes reach a consensus on something, even in the case of partial node failures, network delays, and network partitions. The hottest cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, blockchain) in recent years require consensus algorithms. In distributed systems, consensus algorithms are more used to improve the fault tolerance of the system, such as replication in distributed storage. , In the article “Learning the Centralized Replication Set of Distributed Systems with Questions”, the related knowledge of the centralized replica set is introduced. The raft protocol is a leader-based consensus algorithm, which corresponds to a leaderless consensus algorithm.

  This article analyzes the raft protocol based on the paper In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm. Of course, readers are still recommended to read the paper directly.

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