I have searched various solutions, but none of them gave me a direct answer or were not written in vb.net. But my situation is that I have a ComboBox, which contains some users can The selected ite
Category: Language
Programming language is a formal language used to define computer programs. It is a standardized communication technique used to issue instructions to a computer. A computer language allows programmers to accurately define the data that the computer needs to use, and precisely define the actions that should be taken in different situations.
I have written exact code in VB and C #, but its working principle is not the same … The logic is exactly the same … I hope so
Newbie to C# and trying to expand my ability. I have this code in VB:
Private Sub BreakdownFilesToCompare (ByRef file1BReader As BinaryReader, _
ByRef file2BReader As BinaryReader, _
VB.NET – Serialized generic class (no XML help class)
I have a question about serialization of generic classes.
Because I want to use it for all my Configuration (which is serialized as XML) Generic class, so I wrote the following classes:
Migrate from VB.NET to C #
I am seriously considering migrating from VB.Net to C#. If you jump from vb.net to C#, then the best resource for you to learn a language from novice to professional is What?
Thank you
VB.NET – The task is running, can’t complete
There are some weird behaviors in my task that are not completed. I have been using this, but I think it is because what I pass to it is iteration and form-change selection and refresh some list bo
VB.NET programs do not have a UI
I am making a VB.net program from a text file, and I am using vbc.exe to compile it through the command line. I am trying to run a simple program in the background of the computer. The problem is,
Get the best way to get the first number from different lengths in VB.NET
I am new to programming and need some basic knowledge help.
I have a function that accepts an integer value. I want to be able to get this Integrate the first number of an integer (or the fir
Ruby-on-rails-3 – Access acquisition parameters in Cancan
Can I access the parameters passed in the url in CanCan? I am trying to authenticate guests based on the token in the URL.
Thank you!
Try to access my Ruby project – Loaderror related to MySQL
I am trying to access my first ruby project. Navigate to the correct directory and type:
$rails server
I received the following error message:
/Users/Rozey/.rvm/gems/ruby -1.9.2
VB.NET – Reset the DataGridView blank line if the user moves the row and move the focus from the row
If the user clicks on the blank row at the bottom of the DataGridView and removes the focus from the DataGridView, the clicked row is now in a state indicating changes to the row. Can you tell the