One. Installation Ruby installation:
Note: After installing RVM and Gem< /p> Install rails:
gem install rails -v 5.1.4 # specific version installation
Ruby, a scripting language created for simple and fast object-oriented programming (object-oriented programming), was developed by Japanese Yukihiro Matsumoto in the 1990s and complies with the GPL agreement and Ruby License. Its inspiration and features come from Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp languages. The Ruby language itself has also developed Ruby language alternatives to other platforms such as JRuby (Java platform) and IronRuby (.NET platform). The author of Ruby started writing Ruby on February 24, 1993, and it was not officially released to the fj (news group) until December 1995. Because Perl is pronounced the same as the June birthstone pearl, Ruby is named after the July birthstone ruby.
One. Installation Ruby installation:
Note: After installing RVM and Gem< /p> Install rails:
gem install rails -v 5.1.4 # specific version installation
Dear, I have a student model, I have specified some name_scopes in it, such as from_program, from_year, from_school, has_status, from_course, etc…
Anyway, can I dynamically link different n
I mainly do ruby on rails development on my machine, but sometimes I end up using other laptops for RoR development. If there is something (maybe the shell?) it will be fine, this Basically all t
I am trying to make a script to run my Rails development server, but the absolute path does not want to work.
This is what I have;
/home/me/dev/app/script/rails server>> /var/log/rails.
I have some questions about Capybara. I might as well ask here because the RDOC in the github page for Capybara is very suitable for setup and operation. But where is the list of APIs or available
My attempt to rewrite the rules in routes.rb might be self-explanatory:
match “/:user/: photo-thumb.png” =>
:photo => /[a-zA- Z]+/ I
I created a simple scaffold, the problem is, when I try to delete the record, click destroy rails to redirect to the show action, this is the link code automatically generated when I generate the s
I have a Rails 2.2 project in which I want to override the functionality of rake db:test:prepare tasks. I think this will work, but it doesn’t:
namespace :db do
I must miss something completely obvious, but I can’t seem to get the’zip’ gem to work. I have installed it with rubygems, just like I have done many other gems. Rubygem Said it was there but when
I am generally new to Ruby and backend development. That being said, I am trying to create a simple search form. I use Sinatra as the framework and Datamapper as my ORM .What is the best way to do