I am new to rails, but am reading the documentation about verifying params in my controller, they seem to refer to the verification method. But in rails 3, it indicates that it is not recommended V
Category: Ruby
Ruby, a scripting language created for simple and fast object-oriented programming (object-oriented programming), was developed by Japanese Yukihiro Matsumoto in the 1990s and complies with the GPL agreement and Ruby License. Its inspiration and features come from Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp languages. The Ruby language itself has also developed Ruby language alternatives to other platforms such as JRuby (Java platform) and IronRuby (.NET platform). The author of Ruby started writing Ruby on February 24, 1993, and it was not officially released to the fj (news group) until December 1995. Because Perl is pronounced the same as the June birthstone pearl, Ruby is named after the July birthstone ruby.
Ruby-on-rails – use the activity record in the IN clause of the library to create an integer list
I am trying to use ActiveRecord to replicate some SQL functions. My question involves me using the ruby connection method (not to be confused with SQL connection). This is my code:
scope :s
Ruby – Very simple SEXP parser
For an assignment, we must implement an input like a very basic sexp parser, such as:
“((ab) ((cd) e) f)” It will return:
[[“a”, “b”], [[“c”, “d”], “e”], “f”] Since this is part of a la
Ruby-on-rails – rails, Heroku does not load my lib
I am working in a new rails application and I created a small utility class in RAILS_ROOT/lib. I use this class in a controller with require. This class is loaded correctly locally, but when I depl
Ruby-on-rails – How do I find the maximum concurrent process you can create?
I use REE to run passengers on the Rackspace cloud server. Is there a way to find out the maximum number of concurrent processes that passengers can create/process using the provided infrastructure
Ruby-on-rails – SPORK is automatically restarted
I use spork as my DRB and auto-test as my observer to speed up testing in my Rails application. Currently, when the files in the directory structure change, autotest will restart the test.
Is there a way to restart spork after adding a new model? That is, restart spork when the directory structure changes.
Ruby-on-rails – rails 3 Select different sequences by the number of occurrences
In one of my models, I have a country column. How would I choose the top 3 countries/regions based on the number of models in that country/region? without any further information, you can try th
Ruby-on-rails – No file to be loaded – JSON (first request only)
As the title suggests, I only receive this error when I request the application for the first time. Subsequent requests work fine. This is on several machines where I am running the application Hap
Ruby-on-rails – Call the controller from the application layout
I have this code in my posts/index view:
-tag_cloud(@tags, %w(css1 css2 css3 css4)) do |tag, css_class|
= link_to tag.name, {:action => :tag, :id => tag.name }, :class => css_class This Is m
Ruby-on-rails – When you accept the test and track BDD, are you asserting the database change or what you see?
I use Steak for acceptance testing on a Ruby on Rails application. Imagine I want to test the functionality of a form.
>If all fields If everything is correct, the user should be created.