Ruby-on-rails – No file to be loaded – JSON (first request only)

As the title suggests, I only receive this error when I request the application for the first time. Subsequent requests work fine. This is on several machines where I am running the application Happened.

I did not use any related JSON in this application (at least not known to me).

I should also point out that adding gems in the Gemfile ‘json’ will make the error “disappear”. I will be happy with it, but I am worried that there will be something more sinister here that will become a code bomb in the future.

This is Rails 3.0.3 and Ruby 1.8.7.

Some of your files may require json. Try to install json:

sudo gem install json


Add gem’json’ to Gemfile and perform bundle install

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As the title suggests, I only receive the error when I request the application for the first time. Subsequent requests work fine. This is happening on several machines where I am running the application

I did not use any relevant JSON in this application (at least not what I know).

I should also point out that adding gem’ in the Gemfile json’ will make the error “disappear”. I will be satisfied with it, but I am worried that there will be something more sinister here that will become a code bomb in the future.

This is Rails 3.0.3 and Ruby 1.8.7.

Some of your files may require json. Try to install json:

sudo gem install json


Add gem’json’ to Gemfile and perform bundle install

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