Hybrid(1)ionic Cordova meteor After reading a lot of documents, cordova is similar to phoneGap. ionic is focus on mobile UI and based on cordova/phoneGap. Meteor seems provide both browser and hybr
Category: Mobile
Mobile development refers to the program development of mobile phone software in the mobile Internet industry. The basic development languages are C, C++, JAVA, J2ME, etc. The mobile phone operating platforms involved include Symbian, WindowsMobile, Android, IPhone, OPhone, Linux, etc. The software development of these mobile phone operating system platforms is collectively referred to as mobile development.
[Take the wind and waves] Android system launch process finishing
For an Android application layer developer, understanding the startup process of the Android system is of great help to understanding the Android system. This contains a lot of detai
AndroidStudio WiFi debugging plugin
Foreword This blog is also part of the Android studio plugin article. I will introduce more AndroidStudio in the future. The plug-in is convenient for development. Android device debugging with W
BLE peripheral supports Android-L example
I would like to thank Android-L’s BLE peripheral mode for an example.
My code gave me strange errors (ie too many Advertiser), it doesn’t make any sense, because no advertiser can see somethi
Android implements a third-party library exception with javassist
Git Portal
Android development will inevitably use a lot of third-party libraries. If you encounter an exception, you often have the idea of having more than enough energy but not enough en
Android architecture components –viewModel
ViewModel, literally, it must be related to the view (View) and the data (Model). Just like its literal meaning, it is responsible for preparing and managing data classes related to UI
Don’t stop me, I don’t want to engage my Android!
At the beginning of this article, I will give a few naked examples, all of which my friends and netizens told me recently.
Netizen Xiaoli: Brother Zhang, I have been in Beijing for 4 years, u
Use of the button component array in COCOS CREATOR
Buttons are often used in Cocos Creator game development, especially in the case of a large number of buttons. At this time, it is more versatile to use an array to manage these buttons. I roughly
com.Android.org.bouncecastle.jce.exception.extCertpathValidatorException, OKHTTP Timestamp Check Issues
This problem is not common, but I encountered it. It is not easy to search on the Internet. It is basically onFailure:javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException, so I did not add this in front of my title
Android system Action Daquan
Common Action description:
2.2 ACTION definition in source code [java] view plaincopy print? publicstaticfinal String ACTION_MAIN=< span class="string">“android.intent.action.MAIN”; pub