Hybrid(1)ionic Cordova meteor

Hybrid(1)ionic Cordova meteor After reading a lot of documents, cordova is similar to phoneGap. ionic is focus on mobile UI and based on cordova/phoneGap. Meteor seems provide both browser and hybrid. Let try that first. 1 . Meteor Installation Just a simple command to install that on MAC> curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh Try to create the first project> meteor create easymeteor That will generate all the html, css and JS files there.> meteor Visit the http://localhost:3000/ to see the first page. 2. Try TODO Example the HTML file easymeteor.html file will be Todo List

Todo List

    {{#each tasks}} {{> task}} {{/each}}

The JS file easymeteor.js will be as follow: // simple-todos.js if (Meteor.isClient) {// This code only runs on the client Template.body.helpers ({ tasks: {text: “This is task 1” }, {text: “This is task 2” }, {text: “This is task 3”} });} if (Meteor.isServer) {Meteor .startup(function () {});} Meteor parses all the HTML files in app folder and identifies three top-level tags: , and