We can use infinispan or ehcache/terracotta to easily use the second-level cache to accelerate hibernate applications, but ibatis only has a simple interface to implement caching. And hibernate kno
Category: Hibernate
Hibernate is an open source object-relational mapping framework. It encapsulates JDBC very lightweight objects. It establishes a mapping relationship between POJOs and database tables. It is a fully automatic orm framework. Hibernate can automatically generate SQL statements. Automatic execution allows Java programmers to use object programming thinking to manipulate the database as they like. Hibernate can be used in any occasion where JDBC is used, either in Java client programs or in Servlet/JSP Web applications. The most revolutionary thing is that Hibernate can replace CMP in the J2EE architecture using EJB. , To complete the important task of data persistence.
Hibernate – @uniqueConstraint Checks multiple tables in JPA
The @OneToMany building on campus has @OneToMany guest rooms.
Room names must be unique on campus
(e.g. campus-A, block-A, room-A and Campus-B, block-A, room-A should be able to store)
Is i
WCF using MSMQ DTC – close NHibernate session
I have a WCF MSMQ service (hosted in a Windows service). There is TransactionScopeRequired attribute on my method.
I am using Nhibernate to convert my The data is saved to my database. I want
NHIBERNATE 3.3: Does the composite-id generate a Key property?
I have read that this mapping is impossible in NHibernate 3.3:
Basically I need a composite id attribute to be automatically calculated by NH.
There may be one Tips for gett
Decimal field truncated using NHibernate 3.2 and FluentnHibernate 1.3
I have a situation where the decimal field is truncated to five decimal places when saving to the database. This happens even if I have mapped them with 10 decimal places precision.
I use NHi
Hibernate – How to set up the biggest result in DetachedCriteria?
I am using DetachedCriteria, I only want the first result of the query, so I want to do something like LIMIT in DetachedCriteria 1. When I search Google, I found setMaxResult but It’s standard.
TSQL – Should you use NHIBERNATE and SQL Server 2008 external connection extraction?
When extracting external connections, the Nhibernate documentation says:
If your database supports ANSI or
Oracle style outer joins, outer join
fetching might increase performance by
NHIBERNATE: Insert and Update Date
What is the best way to handle InsertDate (a.k.a CreateDate) and UpdateDate columns using NHibernate?
For example:
public class Customer
public virtual string Name {get; set; }
Hibernate SQL query does not correctly map Boolean value?
Run the following through any SQL client
f, t But this SQL query:
SQLQuery qry = session.createSQLQuery(“SELECT FALSE, TRUE;”);
Object[] result = (Objec
Polymorphism ‘get’ uses hibernate, multi-one, inheritancetype.joined
I have something like this..
A car class, one seat with many seats. Seat has a subclass LeatherSeat.
public class Car {
private Seat seat;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)